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BOTD Tuesday


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I wouldn't check the first couple out at work, it links to a site called nude celebs, or something like that


the site was called slut celeb...but there is nothing nude on there


guess it depends on what sends up flags on your work network

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Bah, I apologize guys...the link works just fine in one of my browsers and not in the other...making it NSFW. Guess I'm going to have to start checking links with IE as well as firefox




here's a gallery with the same pics that are safe

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Bah, I apologize guys...the link works just fine in one of my browsers and not in the other...making it NSFW. Guess I'm going to have to start checking links with IE as well as firefox




here's a gallery with the same pics that are safe


Since I just got this job, I avoid the BOTD threads altogether until I get home.


Thanks :D

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