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What is everyones ethnicity?


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We figure our kid is basically first generation American because there isn't a dominant heritage. 25% Norwegian, 25% Italian, 25% Irish, 18.75 percent Polish, 6.25 percent Welsh




Just default him as German :oops:

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Umm, could someone please explain to me why "nunya" is on here as a choice.


This board is full of racist as_holes, didn't anyone know that "nunya" is a racial slur for people of African American descent?


here, I'll use it in a sentence.


I sure hope my daughter grows up to date that nice "nunya" boy from down the street.




Old racial slurs are too boring and offensive, we should think of new ones.

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Umm, could someone please explain to me why "nunya" is on here as a choice.


This board is full of racist as_holes, didn't anyone know that "nunya" is a racial slur for people of African American descent?


here, I'll use it in a sentence.


I sure hope my daughter grows up to date that nice "nunya" boy from down the street.

Old racial slurs are too boring and offensive, we should think of new ones.



How dare you bring that hating crap into my celebration of diversity! BE GONE WITH YOUR HONKY ASS!!!!

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"Cheese eating"!  If you want to insult me, please at least spell it right!




I don't much care for the French, but I have to respect them for their love of the beautiful game!


Thierry Henry is da MAN!

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I don't much care for the French, but I have to respect them for their love of the beautiful game!


Thierry Henry is da MAN!




and i have tremendous respect for americans who actually like soccer... I don't think i 'd have any interest in that game if i had been born and raised in the country of real football!

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and i have tremendous respect for americans who actually like soccer... I don't think i 'd have any interest in that game if i had been born and raised in the country of real football!



One of the nurses I supervise was talking to me about the country she was born and raised in - Liberia. She's been in the US for almost 20 years, but one of the topics we discussed was soccer/football. Apparently her husband is a nut for all sports, but particularly soccer, so I told her how much I loved it when people from abroad who have a well-established love for the game come to the US. The more people here who love it, the more those who either don't, or don't know much about it, will perhaps begin to see why we love it so much.

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Not sure his 18.5 % polish will appreciate it!


Yeah, it'll probably round up it's horse cavalry for a charge at the Panzers...either that or ornament it's yard with plastic flamingos while drinking a cream ale while sitting in its screened in garage (Polish porch), or buy a new screen door for it's submarine...

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Just curious....



The difficulty I had with this one is that my wife and I come from completely different ethnic and racial groups (I used the intensifier completely as a indicator of how different our backgrounds are as there are not only the superficial color and historic background differences which we had no control over but also cultural differences where we do have more choice).


Particularly since I moved to Buffalo and joined her family (her Dad and brother live all of 5 minutes away max), I consider my family to be of different ethnic and racial background than me.


Thus it is fairly impossible to answer this question accurately or without total contradiction.

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My heritage is from Ireland. I would like my own category. We are not Euro Trash !



Says the guy who threatend to put a cap in someone from TBD's ass during the draft :doh::lol:

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The difficulty I had with this one is that my wife and I come from completely different ethnic and racial groups (I used the intensifier completely as a indicator of how different our backgrounds are as there are not only the superficial color and historic background differences which we had no control over but also cultural differences where we do have more choice).


Particularly since I moved to Buffalo and joined her family (her Dad and brother live all of 5 minutes away max), I consider my family to be of different ethnic and racial background than me.


Thus it is fairly impossible to answer this question accurately or without total contradiction.



Duly noted, FFS :lol:

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