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46 minutes into LOST


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Desmond seemed to be in a world of his own at the end there. Skipping stones in the ocean, not a care in the world? Strange about his being naked after the pulse; the electromagnet just pulled metal toward it, not cotton. And so, I would surmise that the power is now off in the hatch.

The hatch is gone, they showed the hole in the ground last night where it used to be. It imploded on itself. How Locke, Eko and Desmond got out, that is the mystery.

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I tivo'd it and paused it, it was a wolf's head.


Maybe indicating Locke was a hunter?



I was wrong. I watched Kimmel last night (ABC) and they were talking about it saying it was indeed a polar bear head.

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OK, here is a wacky theory:


What if the castaways were animal/human hybrids or something along those lines? Sawyer and kate were monkeys/apes and Jack was a dolphin (from the cages they were put in).


Now Locke is a wolfe?


I hate this theory - but there is some animal-human connection going on. Combine that with the Walt/dog/bird connection.

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American Express insider info/questions of the week:


1. Locke mimes to Charlie that he needs to talk to the island. How can an island “talk” to someone? Has Locke been affected by the hatch implosion?

2. Locke builds a sweat lodge and makes Charlie stand guard while he tries to find answers to his questions. What does it all mean?

3. Boone appears and invites Locke to come with him to see something. Why does Locke have to be in the wheelchair?

4. Locke spots Charlie, Claire and baby Aaron in line at the airport. Boone says they’ll be fine-for a little while. What’s going to happen to them?

5. Sun and Jin seem to be arguing as they stand in line at the airport. Is it about the package?

6. The man Locke knows as Henry Gale is screening Jack, Kate and Sawyer at a checkpoint. Why can’t Locke help Jack, Kate and Sawyer yet?

7. Locke reaches the top of the flight of stairs, where he finds Boone and a clue about Mr. Eko. Why is Boone telling Locke to clean up his own mess?

8. Fearing for Charlie, Locke doesn’t want Charlie to help him rescue Mr. Eko. Why do bad things happen to people who hang around Locke?

9. Eddie, a hitchhiker Locke picked up, appears to be a fan of Geronimo Jackson. Wasn’t there a copy of one of their albums in the hatch?

10. Charlie and Locke at the location of the hatch-or once was the hatch. What happened to the hatch?

11. Locke tracks Mr. Eko to a bear’s den, where he discovers a child’s yellow toy truck. How did that get there?

12. Eddie turns out to be a member of the law enforcement, earning Locke the wrath of his marijuana-growing friends.

13. In the bear cave, Locke discovers human bones and a familiar logo. Did the bear eat a Pearl Station Dharma employee or two?

14. A naked Desmond tells Hurley not to worry-Locke’s going after Jack, Kate and Sawyer. Is Desmond just confused because of the hatch implosion?

15. Under the guise of a hunting trip, Locke confronts Eddie about being set up. Why was Locke chosen as a point of opportunity?

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