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haz waste plant explosion/fire in N.C.


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Long story short, i didnt see this posted so i will post it.


a fire broke out at a hazardous waste disposal facility in Apex NC, its about 3 miles from Cary NC and about 10 miles from Raleigh.




They evacuated half of Apex (15,000 people) basically everyone within 1 mile north of the plant because the winds are blowing that way. they are saying the smoke and fumes include chlorine gas and other haxardous chemicals.


i live about 1 mile to the south of this plant so im at work just waiting to hear if they will evacuate my apartment complex.


www.abc11tv.com (local news)


(live feed to local news station)

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Man, it took the GOP forever to get Foley off the front pages.


(No pun intended.)


if they did it they could have atelast told me. im right here and i didnt see any explosions or anything. if i have to be evacuated i could have at least saw some cool explosions. :D

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