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Big Bang Theory Obsolete?

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Yes it does, but you would have to get vaccinated literally all the time.  There are several hundred viruses that cause the "common cold", and they are evolving themselves.  So, instead of attempting to vaccinate for everything (which would be impossible), they just vaccinate for the particularly nasty viruses, which themselves evolve all the time, requiring a new vaccine every year based on what the experts think will emerge.  It's more efficient to help alleviate the symptoms, and let the body cure itself of the "cold". 


Anyway, if you hate your job, it's practically a built in sick day every year.  And if you hate your co-workers you get to inoculate them.  It's kind of like playing God, but with wee little monsters that can make people you don't like ill.  And if you make them sick enough, they'll be too ill to come into work and bother you.  Why ruin a good day off by being sick, when you can go to work and make everyone else miserable?



A vaccine works with the body's own defenses.....that's different than what I'm talking about. I'm talking about something more along the lines of an antibiotic.

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A couple.  It depends on the virus though. 


Of course, antibiotics don't necessarily work on bacteria anymore.  That has something to do with this little theory called evolution...  ;)



By the way, can you tell me what one virus you're referring to? This must have occurred in the last few years, cause when I was in school there had yet to be a single virus that had been 'cured'. I'd be interested to learn more about this.

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A vaccine works with the body's own defenses.....that's different than what I'm talking about. I'm talking about something more along the lines of an antibiotic.



Again, there are a handful of anti-virals that are analogous to antibiotics. I know of one that's effective against Arenaviridae (ribavarin, I believe), and of course there's a handful that are effective against HIV.


And then there's Pleconaril...which blocks sites on the surface coats of rhinoviruses and thus inhibits their penetration of cell walls. In other words: it's an answer for the common cold.


Thanks for playing. ;)

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By the way, can you tell me what one virus you're referring to? This must have occurred in the last few years, cause when I was in school there had yet to be a single virus that had been 'cured'. I'd be interested to learn more about this.



Uhhhh...ever hear of smallpox? About 30 years ago? Where'd you go to school that you never heard about this, Papua New Guniea U?

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Uhhhh...ever hear of smallpox?  About 30 years ago?  Where'd you go to school that you never heard about this, Papua New Guniea U?



Huh?? Smallpox hasn't been cured at all....it's just been isolated to the point where only a few labs have a strain of it in a lab somewhere.

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Huh?? Smallpox hasn't been cured at all....it's just been isolated to the point where only a few labs have a strain of it in a lab somewhere.



This must be some interesting definition of "cured" I've never heard before. What DO you call it when an infectious disease infects no one and exists only in test tubes? "Remission"? :)


Since when is a disease not cured even when said illness no longer exists??? ;) And we were having such a nice, civil discussion up to that point...but then you had to go and get all retarded with this bull sh--...

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This must be some interesting definition of "cured" I've never heard before.  What DO you call it when an infectious disease infects no one and exists only in test tubes?  "Remission"?  :) 


Since when is a disease not cured even when said illness no longer exists???  ;)  And we were having such a nice, civil discussion up to that point...but then you had to go and get all retarded with this bull sh--...



Tom, why do you think there was such a fear of smallpox being weaponized after 911?? It DOES exist and it IS still virulent as hell. It's simply been quarantined, just like ebola. Just because it's not out infecting people doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

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Tom, why do you think there was such a fear of smallpox being weaponized after 911?? It DOES exist and it IS still virulent as hell. It's simply been quarantined, just like ebola. Just because it's not out infecting people doesn't mean it doesn't exist.



I didn't say it didn't exist, I said it had been cured. Last I checked, those were two completely different concepts. And again, if you're going to equate the two, discussion is pointless, since then by definition nothing has ever been "cured".


Of course, a big part of it too is how you want to look at it, from the perspective of the illness or the microbe, which again are two different things...and I submit that the idea of "cured" only applies to the illness. How do you "cure" a microbe? ;)

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I didn't say it didn't exist, I said it had been cured.  Last I checked, those were two completely different concepts.  And again, if you're going to equate the two, discussion is pointless, since then by definition nothing has ever been "cured". 


Of course, a big part of it too is how you want to look at it, from the perspective of the illness or the microbe, which again are two different things...and I submit that the idea of "cured" only applies to the illness.  How do you "cure" a microbe?  ;)




Generally speaking, if you have a compromised immune system, a vaccine will likely do you more harm than it will good (particularly if it's a living-attenuated vaccine). The same is not necessarily true of an antibiotic. If you're immunocompromised and you end up with a bacterial infection, antibiotics will still be effective against said bacteria (generally speaking.....assuming we have the right match of AB to bug and all that). If you are immunocompromised and you end up with some crazy ass virus, you're pretty much screwed. A vaccine will do you about as much good as a hole in the head. The antibiotic will kill the susceptible bacteria (generally speaking). What is the equivalent for the virus?

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We're sort of deviating from my point, though.....My point was that there are TONS of things we have yet to understand about this planet, ourselves, each other, etc., that to think those things are unanswered but someone has the origin of the universe figured out is kinda ridiculous. I just used the virus example cause I work in the medical field and it came to mind. Maybe a more clear example is that of pharmaceuticals. Do you know how many meds I work with where they know that it's effective, yet don't know WHY it's effective? And we're talking about one of the largest industries in the world. How about our brains? We've pretty much scratched the surface of what we know about our brains, if you believe the scientists ;)

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I just read all three pages of this thread and I still haven't had my question answered. I don't care how we got here, I just want to know what the meaning of life is? Why are we here? Can someone please tell me? Evolutionists? Creationists? Scientologists? Fascists? Anyone?

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I just read all three pages of this thread and I still haven't had my question answered.  I don't care how we got here, I just want to know what the meaning of life is?  Why are we here?  Can someone please tell me?  Evolutionists?  Creationists?  Scientologists?  Fascists?  Anyone?



LOL.....when you find out, let me know ;)

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