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How come Social Security is not been destroyed?

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I think the key word you forgot is "yet." Rest assured, when more of the baby boom generation reaches retirement age, it won't be solvent. Both ECON profs I had in this, who had this as an area of focus, said it will likely happen in the next 10-15 years.


I think the only reason it's being kept about is that it's hard to stop a government-sponsored Ponzi scheme (this is from both sides, only Dubya has the subgenious idea of putting it all in the stock market, an even bigger Ponzi scheme). The people who paid into the program are going to want their money back, tax-free and w/ interest. Gov't knows it can't do this, both b/c they're dependent on the free accrued interest for other programs and not w/o upseting a lot of people who have the highest voting percentage.


I'm not really going to be saddened to see it go. People should invest more on their own in concrete assets rather than rely a gov't handout where the potential for abuse is high and w/o a guarantee of return. Wouldn't be surprised to either see SS taxes increase for the working generations or a reduction in benefits for seniors. Either way, a group of people are going to be pi$$ed off.

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The Democrats said - ran so many ads predicting gloom 'n doom - old folks in wheelchairs being pushed over cliffs -that the Social Security System would be destroyed if Republicans were elected.


It's not. Did they lie?



One of the reasons is that baby-boomers are still working and paying into it. The problem occurs when they need the money and the population paying for it is not significantly larger than them. Also, their life expectancies will crush the system.


The only money I want from SS is the GD money that was stolen from me. Effers.

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