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the fool ralph wilson???????????

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so almost every sports talkie took a shot at ralph wilson when he did not sign the new cba agreement.they joked about his age and how he was candid when he said he just didn't understand the new cba....and now ralphie is on the panel to write the rules of the new cba revenue sharing!..well i guess the joke is on all the media and owners like dan snyder and jerry jones now....they will have to sit for hours listening to ralph ask them to explain each and every line of that new contract! lol lol lol i'd love to be in that room................GO GET EM' RALPHIE BOY lol lol go bills in"06

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Ralph and his minions appear to understand exactly what is going on. The good news for Bills fans is that they appear to have maneuvered:


1. Tags to go on record saying supportive things about the Bills staying put. If this comes down to a new owner wanting to move WNY politicos going to war and the courts as Cleveland threatened to do using the antitrust mallet, these words are not a definite at all which will keep the team here but is a powerful leol to be used in negotiations around a lawsuit,


2. Ralphie got a seat on the revenue sharing group which will help the Bills get marginally more $ from the higher revenue teams.


3. Has set things up beautifully to inject keeping the Blls into the 2006 gubernatorial campaign. Spitzer looks quite likely to win as his family is independently wealthy and he made over a $100 million in last year alone from his real estate holdings, but as long as things are still unclear and in olay, both he and the eventual DOP candidate will likely belly up to the bar and promise something like the set-up of an authority to issue tax free municipal bonds to provide corporate welfare to the Bills.


As these bucks will benefit my team and if it goes to fund building a new stadium on the Buffalo waterfront it will benefit my city, I'm all for spending tax dollars funded by the entire state for my team and City.


I think Ralph is crazy but crazy like a fox.

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