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Random Thoughts On The Bills!!!!!!!!

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1. In reading the News today, I feel more comfortable that steps will be taken to keep this team in Buffalo for a decent length of time.

2. Am I the only person who thinks the way the Bills are communicating team information, is really poor? The time delays and comments they make seem to cause the national media to laugh at us. From the hiring of Coach Jauron, Marv, The Moulds situation and now the issue of them leaving the area. In the past, I felt they did a much better job and did not air their dirty laundry so openly.

3. They won't do it, but Vernon Davis could make this team so much fun to watch for many years to come. To me anyways, this type of pick is not Marv's style.

4. Thank you to those on this board who post intelligent thoughts and wishes for this team. The team is making some interesting and frustrating moves, but let's not forget that this is our beloved team and these awful negative posts by some members are turning off many to this board. (myself included)

5. For those of you out of the area, consider buying a season ticket if you have the money. I am moving from Florida to Charlotte this summer and I plan to buy 2 seats simply to help support the cause. I love this team and the thought of them leaving, gives me the sickest feeling in my stomach.

6. Thank you to this team and most of you for helping me to stay up to date on team information, Sabres stuff and stuff about Buffalo in general.

7. This site has become such a daily activity, I hope it doesn't go away.

8. "God Bless Our Bills" - may you never leave our fine town.


Doug in Clearwater, Florida

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1. In reading the News today, I feel more comfortable that steps will be taken to keep this team in Buffalo for a decent length of time.

2. Am I the only person who thinks the way the Bills are communicating team information, is really poor? The time delays and comments they make seem to cause the national media to laugh at us.  From the hiring of Coach Jauron, Marv, The Moulds situation and now the issue of them leaving the area. In the past, I felt they did a much better job and did not air their dirty laundry so openly.

3. They won't do it, but Vernon Davis could make this team so much fun to watch for many years to come. To me anyways, this type of pick is not Marv's style.

4. Thank you to those on this board who post intelligent thoughts and wishes for this team. The team is making some interesting and frustrating moves, but let's not forget that this is our beloved team and these awful negative posts by some members are turning off many to this board. (myself included)

5. For those of you out of the area, consider buying a season ticket if you have the money. I am moving from Florida to Charlotte this summer and I plan to buy 2 seats simply to help support the cause. I love this team and the thought of them leaving, gives me the sickest feeling in my stomach.

6. Thank you to this team and most of you for helping me to stay up to date on team information, Sabres stuff and stuff about Buffalo in general.

7. This site has become such a daily activity, I hope it doesn't go away.

8. "God Bless Our Bills" - may you never leave our fine town.


                                                        Doug in Clearwater, Florida


Amen brother!!!

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5. For those of you out of the area, consider buying a season ticket if you have the money. I am moving from Florida to Charlotte this summer and I plan to buy 2 seats simply to help support the cause. I love this team and the thought of them leaving, gives me the sickest feeling in my stomach.


                                                        Doug in Clearwater, Florida



Doug, you're going about this all wrong. You are supposed to make a big LAMP whereby you claim martyr like status and give up your season tickets because <insert here... marv sucks, ralph is cheap, the bills suck>. Please follow this correct outline when posting in the future. thanks.


Remember there's no room for your optimism here. The Bills will be going 0-16 next season.

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Amen, bro. If the Bills left I wouldnt know what the hell to do with myself. I myself am also in Florida and would love to be able to see some home games regularly. The only time I can catch them is agianst the Fins. As far as them moving I seriously hope we do not have to think about the consequences it would have to our great city. GO BILLS!

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1. In reading the News today, I feel more comfortable that steps will be taken to keep this team in Buffalo for a decent length of time.

2. Am I the only person who thinks the way the Bills are communicating team information, is really poor? The time delays and comments they make seem to cause the national media to laugh at us.  From the hiring of Coach Jauron, Marv, The Moulds situation and now the issue of them leaving the area. In the past, I felt they did a much better job and did not air their dirty laundry so openly.

3. They won't do it, but Vernon Davis could make this team so much fun to watch for many years to come. To me anyways, this type of pick is not Marv's style.

4. Thank you to those on this board who post intelligent thoughts and wishes for this team. The team is making some interesting and frustrating moves, but let's not forget that this is our beloved team and these awful negative posts by some members are turning off many to this board. (myself included)

5. For those of you out of the area, consider buying a season ticket if you have the money. I am moving from Florida to Charlotte this summer and I plan to buy 2 seats simply to help support the cause. I love this team and the thought of them leaving, gives me the sickest feeling in my stomach.

6. Thank you to this team and most of you for helping me to stay up to date on team information, Sabres stuff and stuff about Buffalo in general.

7. This site has become such a daily activity, I hope it doesn't go away.

8. "God Bless Our Bills" - may you never leave our fine town.


                                                        Doug in Clearwater, Florida



BUMP! Damn Right. The Bills have been there for us for our entire lives. Now, we need to be there for them. Ralph can raise the ticket prices, I really don't care. I'll do whatever it takes; storm NFL Headquarters or clip Daniel Snyder. What I won't do is join the ranks of the nattering nabobs of negativism on this board and perpetuate the doom and gloom attitude that is permeating our city. We expect our teams to display grit, toughness and resolve on the field. Now is the time to embody those qualities as fans. Doug, come up here man. The Bills need more fans like you around this city and on these boards.

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Amen brother!!!




I am sorry Ramius!!!!!! This is what I hear from my Buffalo friends every week while we watch the games. " Buffalo is a city of chokers and we will never win anything." I am not rooting for this team ever again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am sorry Ramius!!!!!!  This is what I hear from my Buffalo friends every week while we watch the games. " Buffalo is a city of chokers and we will never win anything." I am not rooting for this team ever again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



There ya go. Thats the correct attitude :P

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Additional comment on Point #3: If Vernon Davis is there, YOU HAVE TO TAKE HIM! Currently this team has no one to market the team around, no one for the fans to get excited about. The Bills need something to run with from a marketing angle. Davis is that guy. As much as Huff and Ngata are major needs for this team from a positional standpoint, Davis fills a major off-the-field need as well as an on-the-field need.


Additional comment on Point #4: I could not agree more. It is becoming harder and harder to read through a good post lately. I am finding that more than 50% of the comments are either un-necessary or irrelevant to the topic.


Additional comment on Point #5: My wife and I moved out of the area almost 15 years...and with the exception of one year (when my 2nd child was born at the beginning of September), we have made a committment to attend at least one home game per year. Some years we have been able to attend two games, and one year we were lucky enough to attend three games.



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1. In reading the News today, I feel more comfortable that steps will be taken to keep this team in Buffalo for a decent length of time.

2. Am I the only person who thinks the way the Bills are communicating team information, is really poor? The time delays and comments they make seem to cause the national media to laugh at us.  From the hiring of Coach Jauron, Marv, The Moulds situation and now the issue of them leaving the area. In the past, I felt they did a much better job and did not air their dirty laundry so openly.

3. They won't do it, but Vernon Davis could make this team so much fun to watch for many years to come. To me anyways, this type of pick is not Marv's style.

4. Thank you to those on this board who post intelligent thoughts and wishes for this team. The team is making some interesting and frustrating moves, but let's not forget that this is our beloved team and these awful negative posts by some members are turning off many to this board. (myself included)

5. For those of you out of the area, consider buying a season ticket if you have the money. I am moving from Florida to Charlotte this summer and I plan to buy 2 seats simply to help support the cause. I love this team and the thought of them leaving, gives me the sickest feeling in my stomach.

6. Thank you to this team and most of you for helping me to stay up to date on team information, Sabres stuff and stuff about Buffalo in general.

7. This site has become such a daily activity, I hope it doesn't go away.

8. "God Bless Our Bills" - may you never leave our fine town.


                                                        Doug in Clearwater, Florida




I agree, I'm defintely liking many of the moves Marv and Co. are making. There's nothing flashy, but for a team that's supposedly done nothing in FA, we've signed 14 free agents (according to what I read). Signing 14 guys and still plenty of cap room - that seems unrealistic. And lets not forget the biggest moves - new front office, new coaches, new philospohy. I'm still taking a wait and see approach, but I definitely feel more optimisic about our future than I did 2 or 3 years ago.


I'm not sure about the whole communicating thing. I don't watch much national media any more. So I have no idea (nor care) how we look in their eyes.


I'm definitely in the camp of hoping we take a lineman in first round. I know there could be alot more flashy or exciting picks. But, we all know our lines are miserable, so why not make a statement and actually do something about it? That's how I see it. Although some line guys have been brought in, I doubt any of them are going to be the final solution we've been waiting for. So, more help would be great in my mind, not only for possibly finding starters, but also just for depth. Also, I think taking a lineman sends a serious message that Marv and Co. know what's wrong with this team and they're going to fix it. That's something I haven't seen at OBD in quite some time.


And, I agree, this site absolutely rocks! I moved into my new house and for over a year had no internet at my house. I was miserable! because I couldn't log in and read all the crap being said each day. some good, most bad - but I enjoy reading the negative posts for some sadistic reason. Last season without TBD was the worst season I've endured since 2001, when I pretty much missed that whole season for possibly obvious reasons.


I leave you with this thought - for the last several years, this board was abuzz with optimism and talk of playoffs, even the Superbowl. Each year the Bills shocked everyone by sucking like an hoover. This year, the board is abuzz with pessimism and talk of getting the 1st pick in '07. Maybe that means the Bills will shock them again and actually be good. Its a nifty little negative correlation theory that gives me hope.

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There ya go. Thats the correct attitude :P




Wing- Great point, I never thought of it like that. Since, Bruce, Andre,Kelly andthe boys, we have not had that in a long time. Something else just came to my mind. Like the Sabres, the past 6/7 years have been boring in a sense that real playmakers have not been on the team. Besides Willis and maybe TKO, what fan would buy a Bills jersey????? They only buy Willis for the whole U thing anyways. Vernon would sell a bunch of jerseys.

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Additional comment on Point #3: If Vernon Davis is there, YOU HAVE TO TAKE HIM!  Currently this team has no one to market the team around, no one for the fans to get excited about.  The Bills need something to run with from a marketing angle.  Davis is that guy.  As much as Huff and Ngata are major needs for this team from a positional standpoint, Davis fills a major off-the-field need as well as an on-the-field need.


Additional comment on Point #4: I could not agree more.  It is becoming harder and harder to read through a good post lately.  I am finding that more than 50% of the comments are either un-necessary or irrelevant to the topic.


Additional comment on Point #5: My wife and I moved out of the area almost 15 years...and with the exception of one year (when my 2nd child was born at the beginning of September), we have made a committment to attend at least one home game per year.  Some years we have been able to attend two games, and one year we were lucky enough to attend three games.








I like your attitude, but I am worried like everyone else. Maybe you are correct and they can fly under the radar and make a move. The line makes complete sense and would serve us well, but Vernon Davis is a sexy pick ( not that way lol) but he would get people talking and sell some tickets. For once, I hope we can we do something out of the box! On the other hand, picking Ngato,Bunkly(sp?) and maybe an o line in the second will certainly help. I do not want to trade down and let all the good names slip past us, so thers can have what should be ours - I say stay at 8. :lol:

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