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Wilson Met With Gov. Pataki Yesterday

Mark VI

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And WHO do you think paid-for these stadiums?


not sure about cleveland, but i think the packers paid for a lot of their own renovations. i know lerner took on a ton of debt re the cleveland stadium. there has actually been a strong turn away from complete public financing of stadiums in the past 7-8 years, as most cities/regions realize that pro sports teams add nothing to local economies. no doubt, though, that at least with regard to cleveland, there was significant public financing. all i'm saying with regard to the bills is that we should all probably expect a prolonged and painful dance around this issue - wilson isn't going to want to kick in much at all (if anything). he can always dangle LA, and he knows it. in fact, by going to pataki right after tagliabue announced that the league really, really needs to be in LA last week, he's already on the case.

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Can they sell all those sky boxes in Buffalo? I thought one of the issues in '98 was finding people with the cash to buy all the luxury seats or something like that. My memory's a little fuzzy.


I agree the taxpayers don't always pay all the money, but I've lived in several NFL towns and believe me there always seems to be someone wanting to raise taxes to build or improve a stadium. I guess what I'm saying is that I can't blame Marv for trying. But I would blame him if he used that as an excuse to move.

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Can they sell all those sky boxes in Buffalo?  I thought one of the issues in '98 was finding people with the cash to buy all the luxury seats or something like that.  My memory's a little fuzzy.


I agree the taxpayers don't always pay all the money, but I've lived in several NFL towns and believe me there always seems to be someone wanting to raise taxes to build or improve a stadium.  I guess what I'm saying is that I can't blame Marv for trying.  But I would blame him if he used that as an excuse to move.


that's a good question. i do think that they've really done a good job marketing the team to rochester, which has expanded the metro area of the team to about 1.5 million or so from 1 million. they hadn't effectively done this yet in 98. i wouldn't rule out southern ontario either, which is the next frontier (albeit a really difficult one). it's the wealthiest area in canada by far, so it's not as if there isn't a lot of money within a 75 mile radius of buffalo.

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Actually both stadiums are owned by their respective cities.






actually, from the looks of it the pack kicked in a good bit of the money, but the public sector did most of it:






and especially this one: http://www2.jsonline.com/packer/news/may01...eau05050401.asp


here's the full slate of lambeau stories, in case you're interested:



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  While Ralph and everyone else knows the future of the Bills in WNY is questionable beyond the current CBA 6 year agreement or sooner ( his death ), I wonder what was actually said to Pataki yesterday ?


Ralph has a cheap yearly out on the stadium lease but LA or any other city isn't ready for a franchise. Plus Ralph wouldn't move and remain the owner.


He'd sell. Is he considering it at age 87 ?


The inheritance tax upon his death would be extreme but is also negotiable. Maybe he doesn't want it to come to that.


Could he be asking Pataki if he knows any $$ people in NY he could contact for a possible sale ? A buyer who would try and keep the team here ?  I can't see this being a request for aid anymore. Doesn't add up.


Interesting meeting. I bet Tom Golisano already knows exactly what was discussed. Call it a hunch.



Have you been drinking the GOP cool-aid? Estate taxes are lower than capital gains on a sale!

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Have you been drinking the GOP cool-aid?  Estate taxes are lower than capital gains on a sale!




I believe that is so for the first 500K. After that it is capital gains equivalent. That is 28% I believe. So, 28% of 700 million dollars is about......

200 million dollars. I guess Ralph's family has that in the closet.

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I don't think any of the owners build the stadiums with their own money


Go tell that to Robert Kraft who put in 350 million of his own money.


I believe that is so for the first 500K. After that it is capital gains equivalent. That is 28% I believe. So, 28% of 700 million dollars is about......

200 million dollars.


Stop bringing up these facts, he's trying to bash republicans!

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