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A new proposal for defensive players.

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Atlanta Falcons general manager Rich McKay, co-chairman of the league's competition committee, said Wednesday there is a proposal to allow defensive players to wear radio helmets, similar to the coach-to-quarterback helmets used by offenses.

The proposal likely will come to a vote sometime about the middle of the week, and there seems to be strong support for the move. McKay said the proposal started because of concerns about teams stealing hand signals.

If the proposal is approved, a defensive coach would be able to talk to one defensive player through the radio. Teams would have to designate before each game which player would wear the radio helmet. He would be the only one who can wear the helmet. If the designated player is injured, his team would have to go back to using hand signals.


Who would you want to wear the helmet? I would think Fletcher would be logical.

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dosent the offensive rule for radio state that when 1 team loses its radio the other team must forfeit theres as well?...would this hold up for defensive as well?...not sure theyd want to have it set up where they might lose it..say team "A" knows team "B's" hand signals so team "A" purposly gives headset to someone they dont need to play, fake injury and get team "B" to lose there headset...just a thought

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