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I know this is off topic but


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I had over 5000 files of software and music files on my computer. And now they just disappeared. It took me over 10 years to get alot of this stuff. Do you think i got hacked.



Hacked or a virus.


But the computer still works?

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Time to use your backup plan! :doh:





Seriously, were they on your c:\ drive and not backed up? If you right-click on the drive, does it look like the space is still used, or free?


Under Tools / folder options... is the check box selected to show hidden files and folders?

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Try doing a search for the files but make sure that the search includes " hidden Files " . The other thing I might do is to restore your computer back to a later date. To do this just search for system restore and that should do the trick . Try going to a date when you used some of the files that are lost . This works on my PC . Im using windows XP .

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Time to use your backup plan!   :doh:

Seriously, were they on your c:\ drive and not backed up?  If you right-click on the drive, does it look like the space is still used, or free?


Under Tools / folder options... is the check box selected to show hidden files and folders?



I have two drives. They were on my D drive. I looks like the space is still used.

but I really don't know for sure.

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