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Amazing Race


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Slight spoiler -- don't read if you havn't watched the first hour.





Anyone else think that the producers told the Weaver family where the clue was when they were ready to give up? Seemed like way too much of a coincidence -- "We give up.... Ok, we'll look one more time. Oh look, we found it!" I don't buy it...


Reality shows are dumb.


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I didn't see it, but fishy stuff definitely goes on. Last year when the plane came back to the gate in the finale - that was odd enough, but I'm sure if it didn't come back and the winning team was 2 hours behind they would have added in another task to make things close....

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Not really, I do think the producers told them to get off their a$$es and go look for the clue. Remember they got to the stadium at sunset and found the clue around what 3 am thats a lot of film shot that we did not see.

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The real help came a couple of shows back when the Weavers got lost and finished waaaay behind everyone else, only to be told that it was a non-elimination round. Kinda funny, since the previous show was a non-elimination round and they never have had two non-elimination rounds back to back before. They may have decided to make it a non-elimination round due to the Linz's SUV breaking down thanks to the production staff running their battery down (the frickin' 2nd time that happened), but it still smelled really fishy to me.


The wife and I strongly disliked the Weavers (except for the son, you gotta feel for that kid living with those wacked out sisters and idiot for a mother) and vowed we would stop watching TAR if those dipschits won...

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The real help came a couple of shows back when the Weavers got lost and finished waaaay behind everyone else, only to be told that it was a non-elimination round. Kinda funny, since the previous show was a non-elimination round and they never have had two non-elimination rounds back to back before. They may have decided to make it a non-elimination round due to the Linz's SUV breaking down thanks to the production staff running their battery down (the frickin' 2nd time that happened), but it still smelled really fishy to me.


The wife and I strongly disliked the Weavers (except for the son, you gotta feel for that kid living with those wacked out sisters and idiot for a mother) and vowed we would stop watching TAR if those dipschits won...


I didn't get that battery running down thing. After the first time it happened, you'd think everyone would say, "No, you may NOT plug your equipment into the cigarette lighter, thank you very much." :doh:


My wife and I felt the same way about the Weavers -- they played the victim card all the time, yet they were the ones instigating everything.


And I really wish they would get rid of the non-elimination rounds altogether. They make for a wasted hour IMHO.


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Amen to that! I could go for one non-elimination round, it might actually creat a little suspense but what did they have this time four? I really like this show, and find myself sitting on the edge of my seat, but had the Weavers won I too might have forgone it in the future.

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I know one thing that I am going to do the next time I am in Buffalo when the weather permits.  It is that jet boat ride on the river downstream from the falls.  Too cool.


My wife was psyched when they said they were doing that as a challenge. She thought about doing it when we went up for a preseason game, but instead spent a day in Toronto. Like you, she said that we're probably going to do it next time we're in town since we both thought it looked cool (although from what she read last year, they said to bring a change of clothes because you don't dry off from that ride :doh: )


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I know one thing that I am going to do the next time I am in Buffalo when the weather permits.  It is that jet boat ride on the river downstream from the falls.  Too cool.


Me too. That looked like so much fun! Have any of you ever been whitewater rafting? I went back in eight grade over in Maupin, OR. You get soaked to the bone and you freeze your butt off but it is so much fun!

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I know one thing that I am going to do the next time I am in Buffalo when the weather permits.  It is that jet boat ride on the river downstream from the falls.  Too cool.


Save some time, do not bother showering the morning you take the jet boat ride.

I have rode it twice (front row) and there is not one spot on the bod that does not get soaked!

Bring a change of clothes also.

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Not to nitpick, but the teams didn't pass through customs going from Canada to the US.


They won the money illegally!!!




Going through Customs from Canada to the US (and vice versa) consists of pulling up, telling the guard what you're doing, and driving on your way. Why would they show that on TV? :D


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