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Nutjob Darwinized on Miami jetway


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I'd like to buy that Air Marshall a beer.  He did his job AND saved us paying out Social Security all in the span of seconds.



That quote just made my day AD, thank you.


As an officer myself and after reading and listening to countless reports of the incident today, the Air Marshal in my eyes definately made the right decision. I think the fact that the flight was an international flight that originated in Ecuador also played a part in it. The security measures of other countries, especially poorer countries just arent up to snuff in most cases and there was a good chance that he did in fact have a bomb.


One argument that was brought up at work today was the fact that the wife stated that the subject was mentally ill. My response to that was, "Who cares, how many mentally stable suicide bombers do you know?" It's one thing to be mentally ill and proclaim yourself god or threaten to kill yourself, its another thing to be mentally ill, say you have a bomb, then go running up a jetway into a crowded airport. the bad part of this is, the media's and the liberal's 20/20 hindsight into the matter is going to award this family compensation of some form. (Granted that Graham v. Connor 1989 ruled that hindsight cannot be used to determine right and wrong when a split second decision had to be made, doesnt stop the media from making the Marshals look bad.)

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There is a large difference between "rolling your turds into little balls and eating crayons" crazy and "I killed my entire family because they wouldn't watch my favorite prime time show" crazy.  I'm not sure why this is hard to understand.



The difference is subtle, but evident when you think about it. :flirt:

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As an officer myself


I've been second guessed by REMFs and wimps a number of times in my adult life. Without going into a ton of detail, there was one occasion when I barely stopped myself from dropping the clip from my .45, stuffing the barrell in the mouth of a 2nd guesser, and asking him to correctly determine if my pistol had a round in the chamber. All he'd have had to worry about was living another second - apparently not that big a deal to him judging from his cavalierness.


Like I said, barely. I had no idea how much restraint I was actually capable of. Rest assured, if I'm ever in a position to determine whether an officer made the right choice, I'm always going to err on the side of his life because his acceptance of the job at hand REQUIRES that.

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In the Academy, the one thing they drilled into our heads was, "At the end of the day, make sure it is you that gets to go home to your family."

BTW, what the heck is an REMF?


Rear Eschelon Mother Fuc.er. Military term for jerkoffs who sit "in the rear with the gear" and question the people who actually do the job.

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Rear Eschelon Mother Fuc.er.  Military term for jerkoffs who sit "in the rear with the gear" and question the people who actually do the job.



Gotcha, I had a good feeling what the M and F were, just couldn't come up with the R and E.

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So they omitted a comma after "jetway", while issuing a bulletin? Off with their heads!... :flirt:


A little punctuation (or capitalization) is the only difference between "I helped my Uncle Jack off the horse" and "I helped my Uncle jack off the horse".

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"Man suffered from bipolar disorder."


Hell, I suffer from bipolar disorder, and if I claimed to have a bomb on a plane and ran from law enforcement while reaching into my bag, I'd expect to be shot.  :pirate:  Really...some actions have consequences, no matter what the excuse.



My wife is bipolar also and she agrees that the air marshalls did the right thing.

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Rear Eschelon Mother Fuc.er.  Military term for jerkoffs who sit "in the rear with the gear" and question the people who actually do the job.



Yup. My pop would tell me stories about some of them when he was in the AF as well as a bunch of other acronyms.

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My wife is bipolar also and she agrees that the air marshalls did the right thing.



I wouldn't go that far (they very, very probably did the right thing, but I'm willing to equivocate pending investigation)...but I will say unequivocably that his being bipolar is not what would make it the wrong thing.


"Mental illness" is a satisfactory explanation, but not an excuse.

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