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The best thing about this TO debacle....

The Poojer

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That's a stretch.


Rosenhaus is the best agent in the NFL, hands down. If I were a player, I would want him representing me because it is clear that he puts his heart and soul into his job -- representing his clients. He doesn't care about what other people think about him... the bottom line is that NFL GMs listen to him and his clients love him. To me, that's the sign of a good agent.


You imply that his job is to keep TO in line. That's nonsense. You think Rosenhaus would have advised TO to make those comments in the media that got him in to trouble? Of course not! There's only so much he can do. He can dispense advice, but it's up to the player whether or not to listen.




I see.


If he really was doing his job, T.O. would be doing his.


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But he may be making himself into too much of a detriment.  If he is perceived as repeatedly putting his clients in bad positions purely for financial gains, new and existing clients may start looking elsewhere.


I'll tell you what...Willis may be thinking twice about his inevitable renegotiation tactics.




I wouldn't bet on it. Most of his clients aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. File this under "no such thing as bad publicity".

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the way this thing plays out will prolly take the thunder away from holdouts.


the nfl and the coaches and owners are showing to be strong enough to take the challenge from this crap and rise up.


one thing TD is very good at is contract negotiation IMO. he tends to sign good players and let players who won't do much walk

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You imply that his job is to keep TO in line.  That's nonsense.  You think Rosenhaus would have advised TO to make those comments in the media that got him in to trouble?  Of course not!  There's only so much he can do.  He can dispense advice, but it's up to the player whether or not to listen.


The comments aren't the only reason T.O. isn't with the team. The bad blood began with T.O.'s ill-advised holdout, followed up by deliberately disrupting practice. You think T.O. came up with all this on his own? I don't.


Those actions didn't add a single dollar to T.O.'s wallet, while making it so that T.O. would be given less slack when verbally stepping out of line. I agree with you that Rosenhaus can't be held even partially responsible for anything T.O. says in the heat of the moment.

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