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Be sure to go and vote tommorow

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Yes, and those of you in Buffalo, vote for Judy Einach, she's honest, has good intentions, and is very intelligent in her approach to fixing Buffalo. She is really our best chance to revive this city.


Just please don't vote for Kevin "I've never told the truth in my life" Helfer or Byron "the puppet" Brown.



So I guess you finally learned how to spell her last name.

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Yeah I've read up and crap too.


Watch the debate here

You'll see she has a practical understanding of the problems with Buffalo (and how to fix them). She does not have absurd dreams that sound good in a speach but in but in reality would be impossible to accomplish.


.... if nothing else you'll see that Kevin Helfer is a lying bastard. Does that guy have a conscience?



What exactly did he lie about?

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Check out this link: New Buffalo


Unfortunately, Judy just doesn't have the support in Buffalo to go up against Byron Brown or Kevin Helfer.


Although it's too late - I wish she would have dropped out ages ago.


She will do nothng more than steal votes from Helfer - and then we will be left with Bryon Brown - who is nothing more than the status quo.


When will the folks in Buffalo ever wake up?

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Check out this link: New Buffalo


Unfortunately, Judy just doesn't have the support in Buffalo to go up against Byron Brown or Kevin Helfer.


Although it's too late - I wish she would have dropped out ages ago. 


She will do nothng more than steal votes from Helfer - and then we will be left with Bryon Brown - who is nothing more than the status quo.


When will the folks in Buffalo ever wake up?


I'd think I'd rather have Brown than Helfer, but it's the lesser of two evils.

Buffalobillsfootball, would you vote for her if she had more support? There are a lot of people who do support her. Its sad if you support her and don't vote for her. The only thing worse than a loser is someone who didn't even play the game. Just vote for her and don't worry about the other idiots.

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I'd think I'd rather have Brown than Helfer, but it's the lesser of two evils. buffalobillsfootball, would you vote for her if she had more support. There are a lot of people who do support her. Its sad if you support her and don't vote for her. The only thing worse than a loser is someone who didn't even play the game.



I do support her. Unfortunately, because of the tax burden and poor leadership in WNY - I live 500 miles away.


I miss Buffalo dearly and I'm tired of seeing the malaise that has plagued the area for so long continue.


But Byron Brown is a joke man. Kevin is definitely the lesser of two evils - but clearly a man who is willing to dig in and grab the bull by the horns.


I read about Judy - esp in Buffalo Issues Alerts list serves. She is nice, educated, and exactly what Buffalo needs. Unfortunately, I can see the vulchers, the unions, the Partnership, the Authoritys running right over her. She just lacks the presense of someone who could lead. In addition, we learned early on that she refused to play the game the way it is set up - you have to be aggressive - attack - promote.


There are SO many good people in WNY. I can't believe all the organizations of folks mobilizing behind blogs, the New Millennium Group, Revitalize Buffalo, Leadership Buffalo, Buffalo 30/42, and so on... there is a ground swell of change slowly taking place. Right now, Judy just couldn't be that silver bullet.


I was honestly pulling for Kevin Gaughan - but after his endorsement of Byron Brown - I lost ALL respect for Kevin.


Buffalo, do me a favor, keep it in one piece - don't change or do anything - I will come back and save the day. Mark my word.

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good luck man, one question..


casino? yes or no?



I'm not against Casinos. But I am against the corrupt agreement the Governor created with the Seneca's.


First, you don't sign over land in a major city and create an indian reservation - esp in a city where we are seeing old building converted to lofts and residences. Boston, NYC, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, Charlotte, San Fran, San Diego, Seattle - what do they all have in common? No downtown Casinos!


Only desperate areas seek out Casinos - aka. Detroit.


Second, the small share/percentage the Governor negotiated is a joke and a slap in the face to the good folks in Buffalo/Niagara.


Pataki should be impeached. The guy is kidding himself if he think he has chance of being elected President or VP of the US.


It's a very bad deal and guess who supported it? BRYON BROWN.


Just change the constitution in NY so that casino's are legal.

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are you serious that you would want another mayor who is just controlled by Businesses and "special interest" groups?



It's either that or a mayor controlled by welfare and "special victim" groups. Basically, bipartisanism means nobody else can pull enough votes from those blocs to win.

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You didn't watch it... something to the effect of


Helfer "We'll do this to help the citizens of Buffalo"

Einach "Really that can't be done because its not legal for the government to do it"


Keep your eye on him, you can tell all of his responses are the same crap all politicians feed us. Lies that make us feel better.


Someone: "Do people give you money to do them favors"

Helfer: "People just like me a lot"


I mean Joe you don't even live in Buffalo, but are you serious that you would want another mayor who is just controlled by Businesses and "special interest" groups? He's going to be working to do those people favors instead of concentrating on fixing this town as a whole.



Helfer is not a self proclaimed genius like you, but he is a hard working, honest man. You know nothing about Kevin Helfer. Buffalo would be well served to have him as their Mayor. He is relentless.

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You didn't watch it... something to the effect of


Helfer "We'll do this to help the citizens of Buffalo"

Einach "Really that can't be done because its not legal for the government to do it"


Keep your eye on him, you can tell all of his responses are the same crap all politicians feed us. Lies that make us feel better.


Someone: "Do people give you money to do them favors"

Helfer: "People just like me a lot"


I mean Joe you don't even live in Buffalo, but are you serious that you would want another mayor who is just controlled by Businesses and "special interest" groups? He's going to be working to do those people favors instead of concentrating on fixing this town as a whole.



Actually I did watch that debate. Helfer said he would sell the Marine Drive Apartments, which are currently owned by the city and are public housing. He wanted to sell them to a private party so that they could be put on the tax roll, thus generating revenue for the city. Einach claimed that this couldn't be done, I think because then all those people wouldn't have anywhere to live. Was Einach able to actually prove that this can't be done legally, and are you able to prove that this can't be done, thus supporting Einach's claim? According to Helfer's website, this is a legal and feasible plan.




It is true that I don't reside in Buffalo, but I am concerned about this election because Buffalo is the pulsating heart of our entire region. I spend time in Buffalo entertaining myself, and wouldn't mind staying here after I finish grad school. I want a guy who is actually going to make the unpopular decisions needed to spur business and commerce and not cater to the unions and status quo. By saying Helfer would be another mayor controlled by special interests you seem to be comparing him to Masiello, which I think is a misrepresentation. I understand you support Einach, and during the debates she seemed quite intelligent and capable, but in my opinion she lacked the ability to portray herself as a leader. She is more of an activist, not a leader. Anyway, she has no chance of winning anyway. As far as thinking that Brown would be the "lesser of two evils", well I really think you are wrong there. If anyone is chained to the wishes of his financial supporters, it's Brown. Three out of the four bills passed by Brown while in the state senate were to change the name of streets. During the debates he never answered the questions and constantly spoke in generalities.


Rtconner, it really seems to me that the ONLY reason you want Einach to win is because she is anti-casino. Do you realize that the casino is going to be built regardless who the mayor will be? It's a done deal. That being said, what else is Einach going to do for us if she is mayor besides stop a casino that's already coming?

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Actually I did watch that debate.  Helfer said he would sell the Marine Drive Apartments, which are currently owned by the city and are public housing.  He wanted to sell them to a private party so that they could be put on the tax roll, thus generating revenue for the city.  Einach claimed that this couldn't be done, I think because then all those people wouldn't have anywhere to live.  Was Einach able to actually prove that this can't be done legally, and are you able to prove that this can't be done, thus supporting Einach's claim?  According to Helfer's website, this is a legal and feasible plan. 




It is true that I don't reside in Buffalo, but I am concerned about this election because Buffalo is the pulsating heart of our entire region.  I spend time in Buffalo entertaining myself, and wouldn't mind staying here after I finish grad school.  I want a guy who is actually going to make the unpopular decisions needed to spur business and commerce and not cater to the unions and status quo.  By saying Helfer would be another mayor controlled by special interests you seem to be comparing him to Masiello, which I think is a misrepresentation.  I understand you support Einach, and during the debates she seemed quite intelligent and capable, but in my opinion she lacked the ability to portray herself as a leader.  She is more of an activist, not a leader.  Anyway, she has no chance of winning anyway.  As far as thinking that Brown would be the "lesser of two evils", well I really think you are wrong there.  If anyone is chained to the wishes of his financial supporters, it's Brown.  Three out of the four bills passed by Brown while in the state senate were to change the name of streets.  During the debates he never answered the questions and constantly spoke in generalities. 


Rtconner, it really seems to me that the ONLY reason you want Einach to win is because she is anti-casino.  Do you realize that the casino is going to be built regardless who the mayor will be?  It's a done deal.  That being said, what else is Einach going to do for us if she is mayor besides stop a casino that's already coming?



I agree! A vote for Helfer is a vote for Buffalo.

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