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This is not a defense of TO. I think what he did is ridiculous and find it hard to imagine him ever finding a good situation again.


With that said, is it really necessary that everyone have the same opinion. On the Eagles TD pass the announcer actually said "TO who"? It made the situation bigger than the game and further exposed the soap opera mentality they are using to sell the NFL.


Same goes for the Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!) thing.


And while I'm at it, why is it that when the LT/Brees vs. Vick discussion comes up, it is always treated as some grand debate?


Correct me if I'm wrong but your choice is:


An incredibly fast QB with a strong but inaccurate arm and average decision making or,


The best RB (and maybe best player) in the NFL AND a very efficient, reasonably accurate QB with an average arm.


What am I missing here? If I had to make that decision 100 times, I'd go with LT/DB 101 times.

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This is not a defense of TO.  I think what he did is ridiculous and find it hard to imagine him ever finding a good situation again.


With that said, is it really necessary that everyone have the same opinion.  On the Eagles TD pass the announcer actually said "TO who"?  It made the situation bigger than the game and further exposed the soap opera mentality they are using to sell the NFL.


Same goes for the Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!) thing.


And while I'm at it, why is it that when the LT/Brees vs. Vick discussion comes up, it is always treated as some grand debate?


Correct me if I'm wrong but your choice is:


An incredibly fast QB with a strong but inaccurate arm and average decision making or,


The best RB (and maybe best player) in the NFL AND a very efficient, reasonably accurate QB with an average arm.


What am I missing here?  If I had to make that decision 100 times, I'd go with LT/DB 101 times.




Because Senior Mexico is the NFL's new golden boy.


Notice they squashed the whole Mexico thing rather quickly? Mike Vick will likely never become an elite QB, I don't think he has the passing skills....

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Good point, TO is a scumbag but all these people (Salisbury, Theismann, etc.) are also pretending that the Eagles will somehow be better without him. This is the same BS they said about the Vikings without Randy Moss.


The other item is McNabb and the Eagles have to be a little thicker skinned. TO should have NEVER made the comments he did. But, factually it reasonable to say that the Eagles would better with Favre than with McNabb (maybe not undefeated). It was a hypothetical situation and he gave an opinion. So, just chalk it up to TO being an idiot and play football.

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Vick hit 70% of his passes yesterday.


As a starter the Falcons rack up the following WL with him v. without him


2005 6-1 v. 0-1

2004 12-4 v. 0-2

2003 3-1 v. 2-10

2002 10-5-1 v. 1-1


so, in his 4 year tenure he's 31-9-1 or in other words the Falcons have won 75% of the games he's started. Two playoff victories, two playoff losses.


LT & Brees? 26-25 with one playoff game (loss) since 2001.


Bottom line to me? Vick is already an elite QB. Anytime a QB can lead his team to a 75% Winnning Percentage he's elite.


LT & Brees? Nice package, but not the same as what Vick has brought to the table.

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I thought it was particularly interesting when they cut to the booth last night and Mike Patrick called TO a "jerk" and said "I'm done with him." Not sure if he meant it professionally or in a manlove kinda way, but that was kinda blatant and I imagine TO's publicist will sue ESBN for slander.


Also, did anyone else notice them cutting off Suzy Kolber last night just before a play was about to start, and then go back to her after the play was over?


Maybe ESBN got PART of the message from last week.

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Vick hit 70% of his passes yesterday.


As a starter the Falcons rack up the following WL with him v. without him


2005 6-1 v. 0-1

2004 12-4 v. 0-2

2003 3-1 v. 2-10

2002 10-5-1 v. 1-1


so, in his 4 year tenure he's 31-9-1 or in other words the Falcons have won 75% of the games he's started. Two playoff victories, two playoff losses.


LT & Brees? 26-25 with one playoff game (loss) since 2001.


Bottom line to me? Vick is already an elite QB. Anytime a QB can lead his team to a 75% Winnning Percentage he's elite.


LT & Brees? Nice package, but not the same as what Vick has brought to the table.


The Chargers were by far the worst team in the league when they got those two. Now they are probably one of the top 10. Brees didn't play right away.


How can you compare W/L records? Outside of the fact that they play in different diviosions and conferences, there are 20 other people on the team, including entirely different defenses. It is not a valid comparison. I don't see Vick every week, but when I have seen him, he has been far from a superstar.


I'm not saying he is a poor player but he is way overhyped. They had already started hyping his brother going into this weekends game. I'll bet that quiets down.

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An incredibly fast QB with a strong but inaccurate arm and average decision making or,





He was inaccurate against the Bills, and yet killed them. He's a monster QB, just not in a Peyton Manning mold.


Vick is one of those rare players that you have to specifically gameplan for. In that, he's a superstar. Only a handful of other individual players garner that much attention (Moss alone comes to mind). (For example, when teams play the Chargers, they gameplan expecting the strong running game--not specifically LT. )


Vick is pretty amazing--maybe not the best passing QB, but his speed and elusiveness make him a threat every time he's on the field. I wouldn't underestimate what he brings to the QB position. The guy is a stud.

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Guest BackInDaDay
He was inaccurate against the Bills, and yet killed them. He's a monster QB, just not in a Peyton Manning mold.


Vick is one of those rare players that you have to specifically gameplan for. In that, he's a superstar. Only a handful of other individual players garner that much attention (Moss alone comes to mind). (For example, when teams play the Chargers, they gameplan expecting the strong running game--not specifically LT. )


Vick is pretty amazing--maybe not the best passing QB, but his speed and elusiveness make him a threat every time he's on the field. I wouldn't underestimate what he brings to the QB position. The guy is a stud.



He is special, but when he loses his speed - whether from injury or age - he won't be special. This can be said of most RBs and WRs, but not QBs.

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I thought it was particularly interesting when they cut to the booth last night and Mike Patrick called TO a "jerk" and said "I'm done with him." Not sure if he meant it professionally or in a manlove kinda way, but that was kinda blatant and I imagine TO's publicist will sue ESBN for slander.


Also, did anyone else notice them cutting off Suzy Kolber last night just before a play was about to start, and then go back to her after the play was over?


Maybe ESBN got PART of the message from last week.


I'm done with Suzy Kolber, what a jerk!

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I'd take Vick over LT and Brees any day of the week. LT is the best running back in the league hands down, and Brees is an above average quarterback, but Vick is a proven winner. Say what you want about his arm, about his defense leading them, but when he's in the game, they usually win. When he's not, they usually lose. People say his running game carries him, but he makes the running game what it is. The defense can't stack the middle because of the threat of Vick to run. Vick just wins.

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