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Lets Take Over The Caribbean


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My better half and I were looking where to go for our December vacation and we wanted to hit up some exotic Caribbean island. Unfortunately, because of flight restrictions on the days we needed to go, we opted to head over the the Pacific Coast of Mexico. The whole ordeal however got me thinking.


Why the hell do France and Holland still have colonies in the Caribbean?


I think the United States should assume control of these territories. I'm talking about Aruba, Curaco, Martinique, St. Martin, Gualdaloupe and any other Island that doesn't have it's own independance. I don't even think we need to invade these islands. Just send a soldier or two and politely ask the French and Dutch to leave. The only exception is that the UK can keep their Islands for being a good friend.


I just don't like the idea of a French run "colony" in this part of the world. I'm also pretty sure that if these colonies rose up, they could probably defeat the French and Dutch armies. If we are the imperial power that everyone says we are, then let's start acting like one.


As for invading islands, let's invade Cuba, we shoud have never let that American "property" get away in the first place. It's nicely sized, could easily become a state and would make for a great American vacation destination.

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Adding any states would screw up having a nice round number of stars on our flag.


Our flag will look stupid with 53 stars on there.


Simply merge the Dakotas, Carolinas and Virginias. Problem solved.

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Why anyone would want to take jursidiction over those crime-ridden cesspools of ethnic and racial hatred escapes me... :blink:


Are you taking about the Dakotas, or the Virginias?

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Cuba's already practically the 51st state, let's make it official. Then we can move the Saints there!



If Cuba is going to be a state, we need to re-zone Florida so basically everything south of Tampa is considered a part of Cuba, where it rightfully belongs.

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ex-squeeze me? is the whole commonwealth thing? if so then you have to include Mass. PA(i think) and KY(I think), otherwise whats wrong with virginny?


My flag only has 49 fuggin stars, because I dont recognize the Commonwealth of Virgina. Screw them.


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