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Jerry Gray's Addiction with the blitz cost us game

Mr. T

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There's been a lot of talk about the disputed "catch" that the refs blew. But on that same play why in the world is he blitzing "again" with Milloy. The Bills had just increased the lead with a clutch FG. It's first and ten for NE at about the their own 40 yd line.


As usual Gray calls for a safety blitz that once again amounts to nothing, other than taking the safety out of the play, leaving the CB hanging out to dry. Result, the Bills get burned by the play and the call. Neither may have happened if Milloy is not 5 feet from Brady rather than in drop coverage.


This has been the norm all year so far. What's even more amazing and frustrating is the DL was putting decent pressure on Brady all night already. Why send the safety! This wasn't the first time that call was made in the game. I believe the same call was made very early in the game the Bills got burned on that one also.


Gray's calls have killed the Bills once again, and we're only half way thru the year.

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There's been a lot of talk about the disputed "catch" that the refs blew.  But on that same play why in the world is he blitzing "again" with Milloy.  The Bills had just increased the lead with a clutch FG. It's first and ten for NE at about the their own 40 yd line.


As usual Gray calls for a safety blitz that once again amounts to nothing, other than taking the safety out of the play, leaving the CB hanging out to dry.  Result, the Bills get burned by the play and the call.  Neither may have happened if Milloy is not 5 feet from Brady rather than in drop coverage.


This has been the norm all year so far.  What's even more amazing and frustrating is the DL was putting decent pressure on Brady all night already.  Why send the safety!  This wasn't the first time that call was made in the game.  I believe the same call was made very early in the game the Bills got burned on that one also.


Gray's calls have killed the Bills once again, and we're only half way thru the year.



Well...I think it's a minor miracle the Bills held the Pats to only 21 points considering how this D had played to date...If any single Play cost The Bills this Game it was the Sack/Forced Fumble on Holcomb...That Play was a KILLER....

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What cost us the game was the inexplicable decision to attempt to PASS when we were ahead in the 4th Q and the run was working. We didn't learn our lesson in the 3rd Q when we threw the pick, did we. NO! Instead of working the clock with a constant diet of Willis, he had to put KH in a position to fail. RJUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN!

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As usual Gray calls for a safety blitz that once again amounts to nothing, other than taking the safety out of the play, leaving the CB hanging out to dry.  Result, the Bills get burned by the play and the call.  Neither may have happened if Milloy is not 5 feet from Brady rather than in drop coverage.


The problem was not the blitz, the problem was the DE not staying in his rush lane. This was the 4th time this season the exact same breakdown has happened on this blitz call. When Milloy goes to the outside, the DE has to hold his inside position, Denny jumped outside, Brady stepped up and found the open man.

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Well...I think it's a minor miracle the Bills held the Pats to only 21 points considering how this D had played to date...If any single Play cost The Bills this Game it was the Sack/Forced Fumble on Holcomb...That Play was a KILLER....



Agreed - when Brady is down 16-7 in his stadium I don't know if there's a defense in the league that's going to stop them from scoring twice. The onus was on the offense to seal the game at that point with 1 score and they didn't get it done.

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I concur with the arguments against the blitzes. I love the blitz, I love to be aggressive, but right now this defense is in a major funk and Milloy blitzing from the same spot and getting engulfed by a 300+ lb. tackle on every down is getting old. If, we, at home know what's coming, clearly the opposition has figured it out by now as well. What's more, it seems like 9 or 10 guys are flying right past the ball carrier on EVERY play, and if we're LUCKY 1 safety might be back to make a tackle 10-15 yds. down the field, or it's going the distance. Not to let the offense off the hook either, that Holcomb fumble played a huge role in us losing as well. What's so frustrating is we finally have an aboslute beast in the backfield that can wear down and break the opposing team's will, which in my mind is a huge component of playing championship football, and we can't take advantage of it because everything else is going to hell in a hand basket on us now.

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I'd hardly start with the defensive play calling on a night when our glaring weakness looked to me to be our awful tackling. The coaches can design 'em and the players can make the calls, but in the end someone has to tie up the opponent. On too many occasions when we could have smothered the little bit of life the pathetic Pats showed last night we instead allowed them to hang around close enough to have a chance to win if we faltered.

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I'd hardly start with the defensive play calling on a night when our glaring weakness looked to me to be our awful tackling.


It's too bad the team can't fine defensive players for every tackle they miss. I'm talking about when the film shows a guy clearly has a shot and fails to take the target down.

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It's too bad the team can't fine defensive players for every tackle they miss. I'm talking about when the film shows a guy clearly has a shot and fails to take the target down.



Along with the internal tacking by each team of missed tackles (data you won't see released), STATs and I believe TwoMinute Warning track MTs also. In the segment on our LBs after week 2 (6 Days to Sunday?) on the NFL Network you could see that it was a stat used by our guys for an independent "fine" pool.


Crowell could go broke before the end of the season ;-)

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The blitzes and stunts worked pretty well last night for the most part. I was shocked not to see big Sam out there, but apparently Sam wasn't holding up his end of the rush defense bargain. I have to say I liked the pressure and was pleasantly surprised at how we were able to string out and stop most of the runs.


I only have a couple problems with the safety blitz that late in the game.


One: Tom Brady has proven many times that he can beat a blitz.


Two: For some reason, both our star corner backs get caught "looking in" or bite on play fakes or pump fakes and do the unforgiveable thing (when there is no safety help deep) of letting someone that they are covering man to man get behind them. They have done this enough for it to be a concern.


Three: Our D-Line and Linebackers were generating pressure without the additional help.


Bad defensive call, followed by bad officiating calls = disgruntled fan.

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Earlier in the game, it seemed as though the defense would often allow an 8 or 12 yard run, but would make up for it in one big play. The recovery of the Pass fumble comes to mind. But based on how easy it often seemed for the Patriots to move the ball, I suspected it would be only a matter of time before the Pats started putting serious points on the board.

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Tom Brady has proven many times that he can beat a blitz.





I'd say there's a mounting body of evidence that suggests this should read:


"during their run the Pat's OLine scheme proved exceptional at picking up the blitz"


What I saw Sunday was more of what I have seen when Brady isn't getting the best protection in the league- poorly thrown balls being dug literally out of the turf by the best hands WR corps in the league. We frankly applied some pressure, hardly equal to what half the QBs in the league face every Sunday, and Brady needed to be bailed out of his skittish perfomance by the exceptional work done by his receivers on multiple plays.

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I'd say there's a mounting body of evidence that suggests this should read:


"during their run the Pat's OLine scheme proved exceptional at picking up the blitz"


What I saw Sunday was more of what I have seen when Brady isn't getting the best protection in the league- poorly thrown balls being dug literally out of the turf by the best hands WR corps in the league. We frankly applied some pressure, hardly equal to what half the QBs in the league face every Sunday, and Brady needed to be bailed out of his skittish perfomance by the exceptional work done by his receivers on multiple plays.


I'm somehow getting the feeling you're not a Brady fan. <_< Maybe it's just me . . .

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I'm somehow getting the feeling you're not a Brady fan.  <_< Maybe it's just me . . .



Oh, I'm becoming a HUGE fan as his D is falling apart and they're having trouble protecting him. Should be a spot in history for him right there beside Kurt Warner , Trent Dilfer and Brad Johnson.

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