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This season sucks (for me)...


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It looks like I may not get to attend a single game this year. On September 3rd my friend and I were in a high speed car accidend that left me with a broken neck, my humorus (upper arm) suffered a major compound fracture, broken ribs, 2 collapsed lungs, and numerous bumps bruises and lacerations. (My friend wasn't so lucky RIP).


My friends sold my tickets to the opener as I was still on life support. When the 11th came (also my birthday) I thought it was the day after the accident and thought I might still make it. It is the first home opener I have missed since 1995.


My recovery has been slow, as my arm bone has not healed due to an infection in the incision. It may be another 6 weeks. I don't have a cast, but a metal plate in my arm holding the upper and lower parts of the bone together, and also am using a bone growth stimulator to promote healing. If the infection doesn't heal soon, I may require surgury on my arm. Possibly 2 of them, one to get at the infection, and another to take bone from my hip to add to the non-union in my arm.


To make matters worse, on Wednesday, I am schedualing a surgury on my neck which will take 6 additional weeks from which to recover.


That means I'll probably have to sell my tix to the Denver game as well.


This might be the first time in 11 years that I won't be able to attend a Bills game. I can't tell you how frustrating that is.


Just needed to vent. I try to keep positive around my friends and family as they are stressed out enough about the whole thing as it is. And considering I lost a good friend in the process, it seems like a petty thing to complain about.


Anyway, thanks for listening.


Go Bills!!!


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Life is more important man. Get well and enjoy the future games.



Oh, I totally agree with you, but I usually attend 5-7 games a year, and looked forward to it all year long. It just adds insult to my literal injuries!

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Oh, I totally agree with you, but I usually attend 5-7 games a year, and looked forward to it all year long. It just adds insult to my literal injuries!



You will attend one more game than your friend right? Hang in there bud.

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