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Get Your Barf Bags Ready

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people on this board need to stop watching the bills if they "have no chance" winning. I mean what's the point? If i knew they were going to lose i sure could spend my time doing alot more productive activities than sit in front of a tv. I don't care how it happened but the Bills are in FIRST place right now...enjoy it and be excited and don't be an idiot defeatest. By the way everyone who thinks the bills are going to get their teeth kicked in by the patsies obviously has not watched a down this season. They are far from invincible and can definitely be beaten any sunday this year. The raiders almost beat them to OPEN the season. Belichick is definitely missing chuck anc romeo so they are not as strong. If they have no chance go home and beat off or something at least you get something out of it.

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people on this board need to stop watching the bills if they "have no chance" winning. I mean what's the point? If i knew they were going to lose i sure could spend my time doing alot more productive activities than sit in front of a tv. I don't care how it happened but the Bills are in FIRST place right now...enjoy it and be excited and don't be an idiot defeatest.  By the way everyone who thinks the bills are going to get their teeth kicked in by the patsies obviously has not watched a down this season. They are far from invincible and can definitely be beaten any sunday this year.  The raiders almost beat them to OPEN the season. Belichick is definitely missing chuck anc romeo so they are not as strong. If they have no chance go home and beat off or something at least you get something out of it.



I don't like the fact that people are guaranteeing a loss either. As a team we have the intangibles that can help you beat a team you probably shouldn't, namely we have great ST and force turnovers. I don't think you can ever completely rule out the chance at victory, but I don't see a problem with Bills fans recognizing the odds against us, which do appear to be great in this situation.


Sure the Patriots are not playing like the same old Patriots, but the Bills haven't exactly been clicking on all cylinders either. The deck is certainly stacked against us, but as they say anything can happen in the NFL.

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I agree that it will be tough to win in NE but it's not let's all jump off the Peace Bridge tough. PLus, we actually have to go out and win on the west coast where we never play well before we can even think of NE. I just don't understand how much fun you can have watching a team if you think its over before you start watching. And this is coming from me a loyal, Bills, Cubs, Sabres, Sac Kings and Arizona State fan if anyone should doubt his team it should be me.

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