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NY Mets have redefined lunacy


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So they fire Art Howe, but ask him to stay on until the end of the season?  And he agrees?


And then Mets fans wonder why no one give a flying __ about them?



I'm a Mets fan, but I don't wonder why no one gives a flying ___ about them. It's pretty understandable. Our owner is Fred Wilpon.

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I'm a Mets fan,  but I don't wonder why no one gives a flying ___ about them.  It's pretty understandable.  Our owner is Fred Wilpon.




AKA Fred "Coupon" by some of my friends who are Mets fans .... :)


Im a Yankee fan but I still watch enough of the Mets, there are so many issues with this franchise. Is Art Howe to blame? Definately, but management is their biggest problem, and in a close 2nd are some of their veteran players. Al Leiter I believe is the one who lobbyed to bring Victor Zambrano, which may turn out to be one of the biggest blunders in recent memory (Kazmir). I would trade Leiter and maybe even Glavine at this point while they are still valuable. Piazza would be tough to deal because of his contract, I would keep him if I were the Mets, hes still a somewhat popular player there is a face for their francshise in the interim.

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Actually, at the time the trade was a good one.  Leiter was always hurt, and it was shaky whether he'd elevate his game.  Yanks got Jesse Barfield to solidify right field.  Great arm & bat for a few years.


Never understood why the Jays never got good use out of him. I think he would have been part of an effective, dominating rotation for them if that !@#$ing strike hadn't happened. That was the death of Canadian baseball. :)


Leiter really became a quality starter that first year with the Marlins. Since then, Mets have let a good guy twist in the wind while they flounder about and trade away their future. :)

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I would trade Leiter and maybe even Glavine at this point while they are still valuable. Piazza would be tough to deal because of his contract, I would keep him if I were the Mets, hes still a somewhat popular player there is a face for their francshise in the interim.


Tough thing is Piazza is in positional no-man's land when they have guys who can play first-base and catcher better than him. That was an experiment that was billsfanone from the get-go. Piazza is prime DH material -- he should get used to that. He is extremely popular, but would you rather have a popular loser or a more faceless winner? That's kind of been the Mets' problem since 2000. Mo Vaughn? :)


They need to hand the keys to the young guys. Now. Too bad they already traded the best ones away. :)

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AKA Fred "Coupon" by some of my friends who are Mets fans .... :huh:


Im a Yankee fan but I still watch enough of the Mets, there are so many issues with this franchise. Is Art Howe to blame?  Definately, but management is their biggest problem, and in a close 2nd are some of their veteran players.  Al Leiter I believe is the one who lobbyed to bring Victor Zambrano, which may turn out to be one of the biggest blunders in recent memory (Kazmir).  I would trade Leiter and maybe even Glavine at this point while they are still valuable. Piazza would be tough to deal because of his contract, I would keep him if I were the Mets, hes still a somewhat popular player there is a face for their francshise in the interim.




I like Glavine on the Mets, but just as in the case of Eric Moulds, the best time to trade players is just before their value starts to recede. Glavine is there now (Moulds will be there soon). Leiter is there now too, although I like the idea of him in the clubhouse. Piazza, wow, tough one to call. I would like to say I would trust the management to make the call on that, but I can't say that with this bunch. Howe was never and will never be the right guy for NY.


Getting rid of Wiggington was the Worst. Move. Ever.


Kris Benson? When I first heard of our interest in him, I started to shudder, especially when I heard what we were offering. Damn.

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AKA Fred "Coupon" by some of my friends who are Mets fans .... :huh:


Im a Yankee fan but I still watch enough of the Mets, there are so many issues with this franchise. Is Art Howe to blame?  Definately, but management is their biggest problem, and in a close 2nd are some of their veteran players.  Al Leiter I believe is the one who lobbyed to bring Victor Zambrano, which may turn out to be one of the biggest blunders in recent memory (Kazmir).  I would trade Leiter and maybe even Glavine at this point while they are still valuable. Piazza would be tough to deal because of his contract, I would keep him if I were the Mets, hes still a somewhat popular player there is a face for their francshise in the interim.




I would dump Glavine, Leiter and Piazza...no question. Get as many quality prospects as possible. The Kazmir trade will come back to haunt them. Met fans are sick of this team and want to see that they are building a winner. The 'win now' strategy has obviously failed for the Mess.

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But, Mets fans you've got a nice core to build on.


C Phillips----but this has got to change

1B Piazza

2B Reyes

SS Matsui

3B Wright

LF Floyd

CF Cameron----too bad he hit sooooo poorly early

RF Hidalgo--- Is he the next Greg Vaughn?


But, I don't know who is in their walk year.


Plus that kid Keppinger looks great.


Victor Z, Kris B, Al L, Tom G and Steve T for your rotation.


You guys will be in contention next year if your pitchers don't die of old age first :huh:

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