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OT - Pete Rose Movie - ESPN = MTV


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Those commercials were horrid.  It looked like some Lifetime movie, with the bad guy acting as slimy and lecherous as possible.  I wouldn't have watched it anyway, I couldn’t care less about a loser like Pete Rose.




I think they dug up the corpse of Mo from The Three Stooges and called it Pete Rose. I really think the movie is going to be so bad it will be funny, so I'm watching it. "Just Place The Bet Paul!"

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I think they dug up the corpse of Mo from The Three Stooges and called it Pete Rose.  I really think the movie is going to be so bad it will be funny, so I'm watching it.  "Just Place The Bet Paul!"




Man, I love your Avatar......"Glass Joe!"

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Did anyone see the promos? I'm sure you did if you watched more than 5 minutes of ESPN. Are you gonna watch it? Could they have done any worse of a job with the actor they have playing Rose. Jesus Christ! I'm starting to hate ESPN. I with there was a viable alternative.






It will rank up there with their other horrid shows, including "$ea$on On the $tink" with Bobby Knight.


ESPN is a joke. Case closed.

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