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Finally, an Environmental Solution I Back

Alaska Darin

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***so I'm in a mood to post a odd rant....you are warned**********


Let's have some fun and psychoanalyse about this...I love cats...and I'm ok with dogs so I can be impartial.


If you say you hate cats...you're either trying to get a rise out of cat lovers or you have others issues that you are taking out on cats. A lot of cat haters hate women too...can't stand the independant attitude: "I DON'T NEED YOU" Let that sink in...

I DON'T NEED YOU....and you want to be needed...which is where dogs fill that deep-seated need.


Of course some men hate cats and love dogs becouse they are similar to the dogs they bond with...smelly, slobbery and leaving their crap everywhere...


I've been a lurker here since 1998, so I'd give the benefit of the doubt on this one.


Just remember that the Vietnamese have a solution for all those stray dogs out there...DINNER.


Bon Appetit!


Bio Fuel from Cats.  Dead Cats.


Finally, a use for cats besides clay pidgeon substite.***

***To the easily offended cat lovers:  Bite me.  :D



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Sadly for all you cat haters out there - the part about using cats was a lie.





Christian Koch, an inventor and patent holder of the “KDV 500” that he said produces high quality fuel, said he can transform waste products such as paper, rubbish and plastic materials into fuel.


But Koch, 55, said there was no truth to stories published in Bild newspaper on Tuesday and Wednesday that suggested he used dead cats as part of the mix for his organic diesel fuel.


“I use paper, plastics, textiles and rubbish,” Koch told Reuters.


“It’s an alternative fuel that is friendly for the environment. But it’s complete nonsense to suggest dead cats. I’ve never used cats and would never think of that. At most the odd toad may have jumped in.”

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