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Watching the second half replay...


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I believe in our new coaches. But today's playcalling wasn't as creative as I had hoped or expected. That swing pass to moulds against that alignment wasn't wise. Where were the tosses and sweeps to get outside? I counted two. Why not at least ONE long pass to try to get them out of their 8 man box? We have the receivers and the speed...USE THEM! Could pull a PI call if nothing else. I'm not making any judgments about MM or TC - I like them, and besides - I'm not qualified. But I am qualified to be disappointed in what I saw.


And I saw the Bills beat themselves again. They can't keep disappointing their fans in the close games. When was the last time the Bills won one of those? I can't recall. Somewhere out there I think Gilbride is snickering, and that makes my bile duct erupt.


Quick notes:

Hey Nate: In that situation, bat the damn thing away. That was the last play of the game if you played it right.

Hey Rian: Um...you're being paid. Perform like it.

Hey Moorman: You're a great punter. Why is it that whenever you need to punt a high short one the result is always a tiny net gain?

Hey Moulds: As a vet, you should know that you're supposed to put the ball in your outside arm when you have two guys coming to kill you.

Hey jerry: We were shutting Leftwich down all day with pressure. Why did you go into a prevent zone? Isn't there enough data to support the Prevent jokes?


Believe it or not, the OLine was the team's strong suit, next to the DLine. Larry Smith looks like a real find. The left side of the line was better than the right, all day long.








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Gray's unit only gave up 13 points!  How the !@#$ is that bad?  :blink:


Some of you keep forgetting that players gotta play!



How is that bad? It's bad when they give up the 80 yard game winning drive to lose the game. I'm so sick of defending this D by pointing up at the scoreboard and saying, "we only allowed 13 points!"....Good Ds don't allow those type of drives, it's their job to put the game away, period.

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Gray's unit only gave up 13 points!  How the !@#$ is that bad?  :blink:


Some of you keep forgetting that players gotta play!



You are right, but it falls on both the players and the coaches!


A good example of each on the last drive alone.




That is all I could think of when I saw that play. Jax has ONE reciever on the team who has the talent and poise to make a big time catch in that game situation. There should have been two guys on him for every play of that series.



The final play in the end zone....three guys in the area, no one knocks it down. Defense was good...the ball was lofted in the air. YOU HAVE TO MAKE THAT PLAY.


I still can't believe we lost that game...

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You are right, but it falls on both the players and the coaches!


A good example of each on the last drive alone.




That is all I could think of when I saw that play.  Jax has ONE reciever on the team who has the talent and poise to make a big time catch in that game situation.  There should have been two guys on him for every play of that series.

The final play in the end zone....three guys in the area, no one knocks it down.  Defense was good...the ball was lofted in the air.  YOU HAVE TO MAKE THAT PLAY.


I still can't believe we lost that game...



Clements definitely makes a major error on this play. He almost appears to be going for an interception when he should have his hand in a fist and be trying to punch the thing into the 3rd row of the stadium. INT doesn't make any sense.

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Jerry Gray is usually fine, EXCEPT when it comes to 4th down plays with the game on the line. There is a disturbing trend here folks, and it became apparent today that it is caused by JG as Greggo is now gone. How many times do you see a scenario in games where a team NEEDS a stop on 4th and long to preserve a win and they GO GET THE QB! Well, I see it often, just not from the Bills. When faced with that situation, JG will always rush 3or 4 and play coverage, giving the QB ample time to step into his throw and deliver it accurately. We saw it today, we saw it with McNabb last year. That, to me is a give up. You must attack that QB. If he makes an amazing play then so be it, but we insist on letting him make an easy throw with no heat on him. When the game's on the line JG plays it safe. Our corners are good enough to cover man to man. We're billsfanone to lose all the close games with this guy calling the D. Most NFL QB's are good enough to scan the field and make the throw when given the time. B)

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