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Salary Cap Deadline Question


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All teams are required to be under the salary cap by 4p.  With that, I have a few questions:


1 - If the Bills try to trade for someone after the deadline that would put them over the cap, do they have to clear that space before they can get the trade approved?


2 - If a team goes into the draft right at the cap number, what’s their deadline to clear the space to sign their players?

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1 - yes or the trade would not be approved by the league


2 - teams are required to have cap space equal to the league minimum salary for each pick they make or the pick is forfeited. They just need the cap space for the contracts cleared as of signing or the league won’t approve the contracts.  Rule of 51 applies until cutdown day so it’s not usually an issue 


edit: the first point in #2 is from the old CBA and I’m assuming it’s the same in this one.  At any rate I’ve never seen it be an issue

Edited by BarleyNY
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