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Now it can be told. Federal sources told Sneed late last week a train would have whisked President Bush to safety from Madison Square Garden, where the Republican National Convention was held -- if a terrorist attack had occurred.


*There were two plans: An escape train was at Penn Station, located under Madison Square Garden . . . and another train escape route was set up at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel, where Bush and wife, Laura, were staying.


Bush Escape Plan




Doesn't the captain go down with the ship? GWB kinda reminds me of George on Seinfeld... When he runs through the kids when "fire" was shouted.



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Rats. I thought you were going to tell us about TWA 800 and why Al Gore's Commission recommendations were dropped 1 day after a fat campaign contribution, the Lippo Group, Ron Brown, how McVie and McNichols learned such sophisticated bomb construction techniques, the inaction after the 1st WTC bombing and USS Cole and Khobar towers and the embassies in Kenya, and the crime scene at Waco being bulldozed down the day after...

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Rats. I thought you were going to tell us about TWA 800 and why Al Gore's Commission recommendations were dropped 1 day after a fat campaign contribution, the Lippo Group, Ron Brown, how McVie and McNichols learned such sophisticated bomb construction techniques, the inaction after the 1st WTC bombing and USS Cole and Khobar towers and the embassies in Kenya, and the crime scene at Waco being bulldozed down the day after...



What does that have to do with Bush's escape plan?


Just having fun with our "strong" leader... Even if there wasn't a plan... I suppose the throngs of republican delegates would have thrown themselves in harms way to protect the prez.



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Now it can be told. Federal sources told Sneed late last week a train would have whisked President Bush to safety from Madison Square Garden, where the Republican National Convention was held -- if a terrorist attack had occurred.


*There were two plans: An escape train was at Penn Station, located under Madison Square Garden . . . and another train escape route was set up at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel, where Bush and wife, Laura, were staying.


Bush Escape Plan


:doh:  :P  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Doesn't the captain go down with the ship?  GWB kinda reminds me of George on Seinfeld... When he runs through the kids when "fire" was shouted.





You're kidding, right? You didn't want there to be plans in place to protect the President in the event of a terrorist attack? Were you surprised such plans existed?


The President's job is not to be macho or 'go down with the ship' if someone makes an attempt on his life. His job is to stay alive so he can run the country. I expect every president to have such a plan for every public appearance. I'd rather not see any Presidential assassinations.

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Now it can be told. Federal sources told Sneed late last week a train would have whisked President Bush to safety from Madison Square Garden, where the Republican National Convention was held -- if a terrorist attack had occurred.


I guess what I find funny about this is the fact the President's life would be in the hands of Amtrak... ;)

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What does that have to do with Bush's escape plan?


Just having fun with our "strong" leader... Even if there wasn't a plan... I suppose the throngs of republican delegates would have thrown themselves in harms way to protect the prez.





As Ye throw rocks, so shall they be thrown. :doh:

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Doesn't the captain go down with the ship?  GWB kinda reminds me of George on Seinfeld... When he runs through the kids when "fire" was shouted.






Geez Ex, usually you have something a little more intelligent to add. Trying to make up for the absense of LGB or blzrul???

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You're kidding, right?  You didn't want there to be plans in place to protect the President in the event of a terrorist attack?  Were you surprised such plans existed?


The President's job is not to be macho or 'go down with the ship' if someone makes an attempt on his life.  His job is to stay alive so he can run the country.  I expect every president to have such a plan for every public appearance.  I'd rather not see any Presidential assassinations.



I knew you would say that! Of course there were plans... Always plans... Of course he doesn't have to follow them.


Run the country?


What are they (presidents) kings?


Like I would really be freaked?


At least do a Churchill?

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I knew you would say that!  Of course there were plans... Always plans... Of course he doesn't have to follow them.


Run the country?


What are they (presidents) kings?


Like I would really be freaked?


At least do a Churchill?







I don't know.



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Now it can be told. Federal sources told Sneed late last week a train would have whisked President Bush to safety from Madison Square Garden, where the Republican National Convention was held -- if a terrorist attack had occurred.


*There were two plans: An escape train was at Penn Station, located under Madison Square Garden . . . and another train escape route was set up at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel, where Bush and wife, Laura, were staying.


Bush Escape Plan


:doh:  :P  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Doesn't the captain go down with the ship?  GWB kinda reminds me of George on Seinfeld... When he runs through the kids when "fire" was shouted.





It's pretty damned sad that you have to make it a partisan issue. Same would have been done for any other president.


Personally, I hate the "ruling class" mentality of such things (If "all men are created equal", then where the hell is my special train?) But if you honestly think it's a partisan issue, I'll lose a lot of the respect I have for you...

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It's pretty damned sad that you have to make it a partisan issue.  Same would have been done for any other president.


Personally, I hate the "ruling class" mentality of such things (If "all men are created equal", then where the hell is my special train?)  But if you honestly think it's a partisan issue, I'll lose a lot of the respect I have for you...



Of course it would (other presidents). I understand that... Yet, people will make the SUV comments and liberals... Healthcare, Hillary and gourmet food. Just as stupid.


I am just poking fun at Bush... and dishing the pablum back.


It is just flat out stupid... And of course I can rise above it. Afterall Tom, you are talking to someone who is sensible! ;):doh:

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