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Hey Darin...

R. Rich

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Now, let's talk about fantasy soccer.  :devil:



OK, I'll trade you a snotty European who acts like he's been shot and writhes on the ground whenever he gets touched for your wacky Trinidad and Tobago player who does 20 cartwheels and practically strips naked every time he scores a goal... :angry:

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OK, I'll trade you a snotty European who acts like he's been shot and writhes on the ground whenever he gets touched for your wacky Trinidad and Tobago player who does 20 cartwheels and practically strips naked every time he scores a goal... :devil:


Done. I've never been a fan of my waif - too close a resemblence to burnt Mary Lou Retton.

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You're LAMP said " Have a great weekend " indicating you were gone until Monday. Now your back a couple hours later, complaining about other OT threads ?


I'm allowed to say have a great weekend before I actually leave for the weekend, aren't I? I checked the forum guidelines and couldn't find anything against that.


Darin - you are correct, no laughing at internet jokes that are over 3 years old. It's in the rules.

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Proabably shouldnt drink either, but what fun is that?




sheesh, pass the prozac out, you need to take things more lightly. Must be all those Super Losses (uh oh!)




I've often been told I need to develop a sense of humor. I'll work on that. I'm glad you were just kidding.

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