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Jonas on SF radio

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JJ was just on with Ralph Barbieri on KNBR here in the Bay.


Was very good natured and complementary as far as the Bills were concerned.


Said the Bills never contacted him pre or post FA and that he is grateful that the Bills took a chance on him.


Good attitude.

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I also heard this interview. I thought Ralph, as all good radio interviewers do :devil: try to lead Jonas to say something negative about Buffalo. Jonas thanked "Mr. Wilson", and didn't have anything negative to say. He did mention on how he didn't understand on why the Bills didn't contact him, but that was it on the down side of the Bills. He did thank the Bills organization, and complained about the cost of living in the Bay Area!


KNBR usually has audio on their site, and I'll look for a link if they put up this interview.

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