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only 3 times

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yes i know it can be done, but its only been done 3 times. 3 times. and by HOF QBs, to boot. my point is, with the GOATS in New England, Bills are 0-2 in the division and conference to start the season, meaning a home playoff game will never happen unless they win the division, which ain't happn'n either. Not to mention you end up playing the Pats sometime anyway. That reduces the odds from 3 in 50 to about 0 in 50 of winning the SB while the Pats are what they are. So, I would sit back, relax, enjoy the tailgates and let the new staff hack and claw and rebuild this roster ; we ain't goin' anywhere for the next few years anyway. Negative attitude yes, but unless you are home in the playoffs , it ain't happening, the history is clear.


My question is: are we willing to set the measure of success as just the playoffs? That defines success. Super Bowl is no longer the measure of success. With the college basketball tournament upon us, lets take kind of a college mentality, that "making the tournament" is the measure of success of a minor program like the Bills. Similar to UB getting a bowl game-- that is a successful season.


What do you think? We need to get real about this franchise and what defines success, right?

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yes i know it can be done, but its only been done 3 times. 3 times. my point is, with the GOATS in New England, Bills are 0-2 in the division and conference to start the season, meaning a home playoff game will never happen unless the win the division, which ain't happn'n either. Not to mention you end up playing the Pats sometime anyway. That reduces the odds from 3 in 50 to about 0 in 50 of winning the SB while the Pats are what they are. So, I would sit back, relax, enjoy the tailgates and let the new staff hack and claw and rebuild this roster ; we ain't goin' anywhere for the next few years anyway. Negative attitude yes, but unless you are home in the playoffs , it ain't happening, the history is clear.


My question is: are we willing to set the measure of success as just the playoffs? That defines success. Super Bowl is no longer the measure of success. With the college basketball tournament upon us, lets take kind of a college mentality, that "making the tournament" is the measure of success of a minor program like the Bills. Similar to UB getting a bowl game-- that is a successful season.


What do you think? We need to get real about this franchise and what defines success, right?


IMO you are way too eager to accept medicority. And define success by simply making the playoffs.

This appears to be OBD's thought process too. You wouldn't last one day in a orginization that accepts

nothing less than success. That's the truth. Maybe some will agree with that losers appraoch to sustained mediocrity.

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Been following this team since 1963. I want the playoffs badly, but I have seen this movie many times. I am not going to melt if we miss again. What I want to see is a plan, competent coaching, players who give a shite and a roadmap to winning a championship. I want a team that hates to lose, and I haven't seen that in many, many years. After 50-plus years with this team, I don't need one good season and declare victory. I want to see a steady building and growth to a culture of winning and a championship. I hope I live to see it.

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