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Adolph, Lorax and Z. Brown

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Gilmore has had a disappointing season thus far. Maybe he will step up a little. He has been 1 step short on most plays. Even on the opportunity to recover gurley's fumble. Missed tackles. Bad coverages. Definitely a down year

I totally agree, however, people tend to forget that he's been doing this since he's been a Bill. He's like a higher caliber Leodis: Can play lights out at times, but then has really, really terrible games. The Jets game was atrocious; this one wasn't a whole lot better. Gave up a big first down play early in the game and then the ridiculous effort on not tackling Gurley, which allowed him to get the first down. He is NOT an elite DB and not worth the asking price. IMO - Keep Darby and Seymour and keep drafting good players. Save some green!


Oh and one more thing: THE LORAX IS AWESOME!!!!!!

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