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(OT) 11 PM Channel 2 News last night

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Channel 2 news did a feature on Buffalo Soul Lifters last night at 11PM. Because of the Erie County budget fiasco, the decision to run the piece when it ran was a last minute one.


As such, I didn't have a chance to tape it. If anyone taped the program I would be forever in your debt for a copy.



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The Avatar is a painting called "The Last Buffalo" by Ritch Gaiti. I always loved the blood red imagery as a metaphor for the savage nature of NFL football.


You can view it and other Gaiti works at Gaiti Works



Makes sense. For a second I thought is was a close up of a mole on somebody's skin that resembled a buffalo.

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Can you get a copy from the station?


Scott Brown said that he could get me a copy but that it would take a couple of weeks. There's also a company called newstrax that makes copies of all Western and Cental New York newscasts (incase anyone needs any back broadcasts). I've used them before for research for columns. They usually charge around $50.00 per tape, so I'm hoping that someone here had the TIVO running.

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