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Now that the annual ball washing fest is over I'd like to point a few things out.


1. It's an embarrassment to see our future President bowing down to another nation like that. It's disgusting. Talk about the tail wagging the dog. Are we even the dog? Why do these lobbyists even need to have this done every four years? If we're truly allies then why do you need to be re-assured all the time?


2. Kudos to Bernie Sanders (a Jew) for not showing up. He offered a recorded statement for them to show, but they didn't permit it. They prefer their ass-kissing live and in person.


Speaking of Bernie I pointed out in another thread how Sanders easily won Dearborn, MI. A place where it has America's largest Arab-American population. So much for that narrative that Muslims hate Jews.


3. So Trump called out the "Palestinian ISIS Hamas group"? Well they must've sent the JV team there because they're not nearly as effective in Israel as they are in Europe. Don't take that the wrong way. I do not want to see terrorist attacks in Israel or any other place in the world, but if ISIS was truly there wouldn't there be a few attacks there already?


4. The victim card. In my past dealings with many of you here on PPP it's been alleged that Palestinians play the victim card more than anybody. Just watch the candidates sucking up to AIPAC and you'll learn how to truly play the victim card. By the way they were speaking you'd think Gaza is actually Israel and Israel is actually Palestine. I heard stuff like, "imagine rockets being launched at you. How can anyone live like that?" Yeah, well, imagine that. These people pretend like Gaza wasn't even touched and Israel is the one that's in shambles.



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I'd never try and compete with you. Especially for a prize like that. You would beat me




Can you ever engage in conversation that actually adds something? You are the equivalent of a shart. You give us relief (comic) for pointing out your ignorance and clown acts but also make us feel soiled for responding.

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Can you ever engage in conversation that actually adds something? You are the equivalent of a shart. You give us relief (comic) for pointing out your ignorance and clown acts but also make us feel soiled for responding.

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