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VInce Young DUI


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Vince was screwed from the beginning. Jeff fisher didn't want him and hindered his development by not playing to his strenghts. By the way, what has Jeff fisher done lately? Vince had one bad night where they couldn't find him and his mom got concerned and called the cops. That's child's play compared to crap players are doing now days. After that, Vince was basically blacklisted among NFL teams, the same way it's about to happen to manziel. I'll always wonder what Vince and Matt leinart could have been had they gone to teams that played to their strengths. Speaking of that, we seem to have a coach that doesn't let players play to their strengths.

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Vince was screwed from the beginning. Jeff fisher didn't want him and hindered his development by not playing to his strenghts. By the way, what has Jeff fisher done lately? Vince had one bad night where they couldn't find him and his mom got concerned and called the cops. That's child's play compared to crap players are doing now days. After that, Vince was basically blacklisted among NFL teams, the same way it's about to happen to manziel. I'll always wonder what Vince and Matt leinart could have been had they gone to teams that played to their strengths. Speaking of that, we seem to have a coach that doesn't let players play to their strengths.


Am pretty sure that Vince screwed himself . He had several chances on other teams and never caught on . I believe the overall feedback is that he never bothered to learn a playbook and freelanced ? That won't work with any offense .

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