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NFL.com: League's top 10 QB's, could we snag any of them?

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And yet somehow they always get it.


Other than situations where teams had identified the successor (Manning, Drew, Favre), when was the last time a top 10 QB just hit the open market? I don't think any of the 2016 FA QBs has an heir apparent.

Not saying it's very likely, but as good as Drew Brees is, if New Orleans doesn't believe they can turn that ship around while he's still good, they may drop him for cap space and to try and groom some up and comer. Unlikely, but I'm holding out hope. It's still real to me damn it!

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that Brady guy is intriguing. But scouting reports claim he has small hands and trouble gripping a fully inflated ball?

Sounds Like he would be killer in a Nerf league though.


you could lure Ben with a drunk girl

Well played

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