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x-Jets asst Westhoff: ‘s—load’ of Belichick Manipulations


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I think you're being too literal. It's just a metaphor. And not really an offensive one.


I am actually impressed that Westhoff drew the analogy. At Enron, you had a successful company that was "run" by a figurehead (Lay/Kraft), and a CEO (Skilling/Pats' GM) who ceded way too much control to a brilliant but shady CFO (Fastow/Bellichick). Fastow pushed the limits--illegally--- and basically out-smarted everyone, included a lot of sophisticated board members who went along with his plans.


The entire organization was arrogant and pushed the limits in order to maximize profit and then maintain the illusion of profitability.


I think it is a pretty good analogy to the Pats.


Okay. If he sticks to the management then I concede my point. So when do we expect Belicheck and Kraft's suicides?

Edited by Thrivefourfive
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