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Patriots shorts in knot over Philly barbs

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Uh, it wasn't made up. But it wasn't a direct quote since I can't find the link. It was paraphrased (as I said). The point he made was he didn't care about the rules, his job was to hurt WRs. It was discussed on this board when it happened. I saw it on SC and read it in print. It was not this year, (if you remember, Belichik had a talk with him in the preseason about reducing penalties and his "borderline" antics and he has towed the company line since then). I think it was during a PC in response to his hit on Rice when he got suspended.


But obviously we are wrong since you know all. Forget the fact that the majority of NFL players think he is dirty (as polled by SI). Yeah, they don't know anything, they only play with the guy. :)



I think that your paraphrased quote was potentially a little misleading. I would like to see what he actually said.


I think there is a big distinction between trying to "hurt" someone and trying to "cripple" someone. If he said that he went out on the field trying to hurt other offensive players, he's just being honest. I think it is safe to say that every NFL player (except maybe the QB's, P's, K's, holders and WR's) goes into each game expecting, anticipating and welcoming contact. It is a violent game.


I don't think I know it all, but I think that it is wrong to judge Harrison the person based on Harrison the football player. Let's look at Reuben Brown. I thought what he did last year at the end of the season was an absolute disgrace from a football/team perspective. However, I would never say that Brown is a terrible person because I know he does a lot for charity and is a real stand up guy off the field. Frankly, it seems as though Reuben is a very good person. I think it is important to distinguish between Lawrence Taylors and Barrett Robbins's versus Rodney Harrisons and Reuben Browns.


Take a look at Drew Bledsoe. His character is praised to the hills on here (even posters who don't like him will often qualify their comments by saying "he's a nice guy). Yet a young woman ended up with permanent spinal damage because of his and his two buddies reckless behavior at a concert. If Rodney is a "terrible person," then what is Drew?


Globe had a good article on Harrison today for any who would be interested. Yes, the Tatum double standard is broached by the writer.


Harrison Bio

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