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Earl Thomas is returning punts?


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Also I don't know if true because it was on twitter but read Jairus Byrd was also going to start to do this in NO? Seems like a big risk with these star players and on huge money deals.

This seems like one or those things that the first time one of these star players scores a touchdown on a punt return the coach will be called a genius with the guts to put the best player that gives the best opportunity to score back there... Then when said star player gets injured everyone will be sayin how dumb of a move it was. And calling for the coaches head

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This seems like one or those things that the first time one of these star players scores a touchdown on a punt return the coach will be called a genius with the guts to put the best player that gives the best opportunity to score back there... Then when said star player gets injured everyone will be sayin how dumb of a move it was. And calling for the coaches head


And no one will look at the actual stats on either side.


That it's two of the leagues more forward thinking coaches leads me to believe the numbers aren't awful, if the guys actually your best return guy

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