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Any fans of St. Vincent here?

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Saw her at Babeville last Saturday. I came in not knowing much about her. In fact it was her two appearances on Colbert that introduced me to her. Anyway, I expected a kind of nerdy, new wave sort of show. Totally blown away by Annie's guitar skills. She is a rock goddess. Very impressed with her. Now I have to listen to her older albums to catch up.


BTW I was the oldest fart in the building. St. Vincent is definitely a 20-something's darling.



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Big fan of hers...became a fan a couple years ago when she made her record with David Byrne... When I realized she was also a part of polyphonic spree I became a bigger fan...missed her a few weeks ago but a fan nonetheless


The Buffalo show was the last before going to Europe but she will have some shows in the US this summer. I highly recommend catching her.

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