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Its all about the culture


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I'm from Syracuse and I was big-time psyched when SU Orange football coaches Marrone, et al, were selected to coach the Buffalo Bills.


A lot of SU fans around me thought completely otherwise. They said i was wearing "rose colored glasses" and that Marrone, et al, would never succeed in Buffalo.


They were right.


I was wrong.


Gimme a break. The guy can coach and he knows what playoff caliber NFL teams look like from the inside out. I think the offseason will be telling when they jettison some non performers. I mean c'mon, you can't have guys like TJ Graham on the field when they are so unproductive. He will get better players to coach and it will make a difference. The core here is decent. Manuel is still a question mark though. I don't think Marrone will hitch his career to EJ if he doesn't vastly elevate his game early next season. We'll see.

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Gimme a break. The guy can coach and he knows what playoff caliber NFL teams look like from the inside out. I think the offseason will be telling when they jettison some non performers. I mean c'mon, you can't have guys like TJ Graham on the field when they are so unproductive. He will get better players to coach and it will make a difference. The core here is decent. Manuel is still a question mark though. I don't think Marrone will hitch his career to EJ if he doesn't vastly elevate his game early next season. We'll see.


I might be wrong, but I think a lot of Bills fans will be dissapointed to see TJ still on the team come Sept '14.

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The culture that needs to change is the one around Western New York. The negativity that permeates western New York starts with the weather, high taxes, lack of good paying jobs, the fact that all we raise our kids here and then they all move away to Florida, Arizona, California, North Carolina or someplace warmer.


Our children that do stay here can't find good paying jobs so that they can buy a house raise a family and live the American dream. Our population has dwindled, our government leaders keep making promises but they can't keep. the bills are forced to be of a regional team,

Southern tier, Canada, Erie Pa, etc,


The Toronto game experiment is a colossal failure. there is no plan in place for who takes over the Bills after Ralph Wilson dies. The Bills could be moving to L.A. or somewhere else in 6 years, which would leave a huge hole in western New York. We're dealing with a lot of stuff. Throw in a rookie coach, new quarterback and about 40 to 50 percent turnover on the actual team and you're looking at another 6 win season.

The fans and town have nothing to do with losses. Sorry things are so bleak and gloomy here in b lo but the game is played on the field, not on the east side. There is other NFL towns that have **** economies but win. I normally dont ever jump on anyone for their posts but seriously re read what you just said. Your post belongs at city hall or albany but not here.
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