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[closed]I have been thinking...


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I have assumed that Byrd has been malingering--feigning injury to avoid playing. Even if he was slightly injured, I say to myself, why can't he "man up" and play like the others?


But I just had a thought. You probably already thought of this, but I thought I would say it. What if he has a touch of plantar fasciitus--enough to play, but not enough to play at 100%. What happens if he performs at less than his full potential? Sure he helps the team, but what kind of contract does he get from the Bills or another team next year, based on a less than stellar performance? Or what if it gets worse, and his play deteriorates, or he can't play at all for the rest of the season. What then? His entire future, and welfare of his family, is based on his performance this year.


In short, imagine you were asked to work at less than 100% health, and that your salary for years to come would be based on your performance while working in an injured condition. Would that be fair? Again, I don't know how hurt he is, but even if he is slightly injured, you can see the reasoning.


Feel free to delete this. It should probably be in another thread.

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I have assumed that Byrd has been malingering--feigning injury to avoid playing. Even if he was slightly injured, I say to myself, why can't he "man up" and play like the others?


But I just had a thought. You probably already thought of this, but I thought I would say it. What if he has a touch of plantar fasciitus--enough to play, but not enough to play at 100%. What happens if he performs at less than his full potential? Sure he helps the team, but what kind of contract does he get from the Bills or another team next year, based on a less than stellar performance? Or what if it gets worse, and his play deteriorates, or he can't play at all for the rest of the season. What then? His entire future, and welfare of his family, is based on his performance this year.


In short, imagine you were asked to work at less than 100% health, and that your salary for years to come would be based on your performance while working in an injured condition. Would that be fair? Again, I don't know how hurt he is, but even if he is slightly injured, you can see the reasoning.


Feel free to delete this. It should probably be in another thread.


Jarius ......is that you?

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