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Kobe a FREE Man


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WHOA....Will be decided in civil court...He almost pleads guilty: "Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter." SHE GETTING PAID!!!!!

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WHOA....Will be decided in civil court...He almost pleads guilty: "Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter."  SHE GETTING PAID!!!!!



Oh boy....


Swede....exactly where are you getting that? (Sorry to interject but I have been following the case)


"Although I truly believe this encounter was concential" IN MY OPINION I DID NOT RAPE YOU


"I recognise now she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did" I REALIZE THAT SHE DOES THINK SHE WAS RAPED....BUT I DONT AGREE


"After months of discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person" IF I HAVE TO LOOK AT THAT DAMN SHADY LYING DECIETFUL NON TRUTH FINDING WIN AT ALL COSTS DA THEY MIGHT CONVICT ME OF ANOTHER CRIME


"I now understand that "she feels" she did not consent" SHE IS OF THE OPINION SHE WAS RAPED...BUT I KNOW I DIDN'T DO IT


By the way.....none of this can be used against him at the civil trial and word has it he isn't settling.....this was a letter jinned up by the lawyers to get the DA to drop the trial......and if you drop a criminal trial like this your chances of winning a civil trial aren't very good EVEN IF YOU AREN'T A MENTALLY DERANGED, SUICIDAL, COKE ADDICT, NYMPHO.......


If you ask me....Kobe comes out of it looking magnanimous (misspelled I know)

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WHOA....Will be decided in civil court...He almost pleads guilty: "Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter."  SHE GETTING PAID!!!!!




he says HE thaught it was consentual... what, her yelling stop, stop, wasnt a clue???

just from that statment alone, i say to hell with that rapist.

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he says HE thaught it was consentual... what, her yelling stop, stop, wasnt a clue???

just from that statment alone, i say to hell with that rapist.




Again....follow the case....in the initial rape interview with her she couldn't even tell them she said stop.....


That only came after coaching from the prosecution....who in this case are a bunch of treacherous slimeballs.....


HAD you followed the case...you would know that it is very possible charges may be filed against the prosecution because their EXPERT WITNESS gave a report about the "injuries" that would have exonerated Kobe MONTHS ago....and the prosecution HID it from the defense......


The prosecutions expert witness (Badin I beleive his name was) reported to the prosecution that the any trauma the girl had (in her you know what) was consistant with CONSENTIAL SEX.....and not rape as the prosection has alleged...and the HID IT.......


For christ sake....the prelim judge told the prosecution they didn't have a case and they went forward anyway.

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Like I said, a payoff wouldn't surprise me, but if I were Kobe I'd stick to my guns.  Any woman who has sex AFTER being "raped" wasn't "raped."



If I were Kobe, I'd say my desires were to live life with my kid and wife and my Mom and Dad, and to win championships playing basketball as this game brings me lots of dollars so i can enjoy life with my family.


If I have to make a financial payoff to end my relationship and time spent on folks in Colorado and their legal system I'd easily do this. In fact, I would view "sticking to my guns" as you put it as another act of selfishness and satisfying my needs over the needs of my family when doing this was what got me in trouble in the first place.


I think one of the problems with our society is that people take actions to satisfy their own needs first whether they views their needs as a sexual romp in CO or "sticking to their guns".


ESPN said this morning that Kobe's lawyers will probably charge him $8-10 million (including salary for them and fees for expert witnesses and stuff). Add in a couple of million for the ring he used to apologize to his wife (personally I'd be more interested in seeing him crawl across glass to apologize and show he learned his lesson rather than buying me a bauble). Even if you ad in several hundred thousand to even single figure milliions to pay a civil claim to make this go away, i would agree with him that this is the best money he ever spent, because he made the initial mistake of cheating on his marriage to satisfy HIS needs.

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If I were Kobe, I'd say my desires were to live life with my kid and wife and my Mom and Dad, and to win championships playing basketball as this game brings me lots of dollars so i can enjoy life with my family.


If I have to make a financial payoff to end my relationship and time spent on folks in Colorado and their legal system I'd easily do this.  In fact, I would view "sticking to my guns" as you put it as another act of selfishness and satisfying my needs over the needs of my family when doing this was what got me in trouble in the first place.


I think one of the problems with our society is that people take actions to satisfy their own needs first whether they views their needs as a sexual romp in CO or "sticking to their guns". 


ESPN said this morning that Kobe's lawyers will probably charge him $8-10 million (including salary for them and fees for expert witnesses and stuff).  Add in a couple of million for the ring he used to apologize to his wife (personally I'd be more interested in seeing him crawl across glass to apologize and show he learned his lesson rather than buying me a bauble).  Even if you ad in several hundred thousand to even single figure milliions to pay a civil claim to make this go away, i would agree with him that this is the best money he ever spent, because he made the initial mistake of cheating on his marriage to satisfy HIS needs.




You know suny the only response I have to that is Kobe may go forward to clear his name because he stands to lose a lot more if he does not in endorsements....


He lost his endorsements when this charge was filed....they dropped the charges...but I dont know if that is enough.....

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Was this a "frilvolous lawsuit?" Because if it were, why can't they charge her with things too. This wasn't a free trial.


Eagle Rock is messed up. From the very beginning, when the Chief of Police felt it was important, and declared a "Press Conference" until this end, where the DA holds a "Press Conference."


This all seems like it was done to get publicity for themselves. They are all wrong. From Kobe's cheating, to the plaintiffs story, to the Police, Judge, and DA. ALL were in it for themselves!


What a selfish society we live in.


Oh, by the way, how about the plaintiff apologizing for making financially too.

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If I were Kobe, I'd say my desires were to live life with my kid and wife and my Mom and Dad, and to win championships playing basketball as this game brings me lots of dollars so i can enjoy life with my family.


If I have to make a financial payoff to end my relationship and time spent on folks in Colorado and their legal system I'd easily do this.  In fact, I would view "sticking to my guns" as you put it as another act of selfishness and satisfying my needs over the needs of my family when doing this was what got me in trouble in the first place.


I think one of the problems with our society is that people take actions to satisfy their own needs first whether they views their needs as a sexual romp in CO or "sticking to their guns".


Bryant admitted to making a mistake. He'll have to live with his indiscretion for the rest of his life. However not paying money to a woman who wasn't raped is not being "selfish," and actually paying her millions to dismiss the suit just to make it easier on Bryant would be more selfish than trying to clear his name through the civil suit. I have no particular like for Bryant, but I don't think he's a criminal and should have to pay.

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