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Evans or Moulds

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Good analysis, but I think it's a little unfair to SJ by virtue of the fact he was a 7th round pick so no one gave him a chance. Meanwhile Evans was #1 so was a presumtive starter from draft day on. As you point out, SJ already has slightly better stats in years 3-5. If we compare their first 3 years as a starter, the advantage wieghs a little more heavily to SJ:


SJ: 237/3123/23 (years 3-5)


LE: 178/2878/24 (years 1-3)


But then that's pretty unfair to Evans, because rookie (and often 2nd-year) WRs rarely put up good numbers, even if they get tons of playing time. I don't think the lack of PT in years 1-2 was necessarily Stevie's fault -- I don't buy into the argument that Chan made him into what he is -- but it's still a fact that he was on the team but not contributing very much. I think the reason for that was out of his control -- no way Jauron was going to give him PT over Hardy, TO, Roscoe, or the Great Josh Reed -- just like horrendous QB play was out of Evans' control during the Edwards years, or Moulds' control during the RJ years. Anyway, to this date, Lee Evans has definitely contributed more to the Buffalo Bills, but it's really not a fair comparison. Stevie's on pace to pass Evans in a couple years, but who knows how he'll fit into a new offense, with a new QB or two?


I did find it worthwhile to break down their numbers like that, though. We all think of Evans as the ultimate burner/deep threat guy, and Stevie as a possession guy, and that is reflected in their numbers somewhat, but it's closer than I expected. Their top 3 years produced almost identical yardage totals, and while it did take Stevie more catches to get there, they're only 2 yards apart in yards/catch. That's a significant difference, but not massive or anything. And for their careers, they're about equally good at getting into the endzone. I'd be interested in comparing their RAC, but those numbers aren't readily available.


If playing WR with Trent Edwards as your QB doesn't zap the passion from you, I don't know what will. How many times did we all wonder why Edwards wasn't even attempting a ball to a receiver? Nothing more frustrating than running 40 routes out there, and getting zero balls thrown your way.


Thank you. I've seen worse QB play as a Bills fan (Hiya Rob!), but it's hard to top Edwards for sheer frustration. I remember starting a drinking game at the bar where you drink every time he attempted a pass to a WR. Those extra 2-3 sips per quarter didn't make much of a dent in the beer, though.


I liked Evans a lot, and continue to like him. I'm not sure why/how he turned into such a whipping boy around here, but I never cared for it. He wasn't as good as Moulds or Reed, certainly, but he was a good player who got a really raw deal in terms of QB play. I like Stevie a lot, too, but I'm a lot less confused about the complaints about him.

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A lot of Losman bashing in this thread. Not saying I don't agree because he more than deserves it, but you gotta admit JP was the best QB for a one dimensional receiver like Evans. Losman threw a very nice long ball.

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