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As OC of the Bills I would...


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Make my best player the main focus of the offence. C.J. is just a great player period. They drafted him high for a reason and its mind blowing to me why he is not used more. 123 carries for over 800 yds is outstanding. Everybody else in the Rushing Leaders had 60 -70 more touches. I have some ideas about this here we go.


The Bills base offense should be a 2 WR ( Stevie, Jones) 1 TE (Chandler) 2 backs (CJ and Mac or CJ AND Fred)

You can run many plays out of this formation.

This puts our best players on the field at all times.

If you have both Fred and CJ in the backfield at the same time it puts pressure on Defenses because both are very good out the backfield.

One of the things missing from this offence is the play action pass. Play action would open up the middle of the field in the red zone. Play action would be killer in the red zone because it would allow Stevie a second more to set up his man. Also it would allow Chander more time to get free.

Say on first in 10 out of this formation they stack the run with 8 men in the box. Give Fitz the room to change the play at the line. I believe this is what Stevie was talking about, let Fitz change the play at the line according to the D he is getting.

If you have both Fred and CJ in the backfield all Fitz has to do is send one out into the flat. Now you have 4 WR against a run Defense. (Stevie, Jones, Chandler, CJ) . Somebody is gonna get single coverage from a LB. You can just pick the guy singled out on the LB.

CJ should be on the field for 80 percent of the offensive snaps. This would be more feasible if you run a play action based offence because there would always be a back in the backfield. In a spread offence you limit the carries of your backs because simply they are not on the field.


Plus in my eyes you can still run the screen game out of the 2 back set. Maybe not as often but you can still do it.


I think if Chan get away from the spread and get his backs on the field more often he would have more success getting the matchups that he wants.

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1. Run more draw plays for either Spiller or Jackson

2. Run less WR screens hoping the receiver will gain 8 more yards after the catch.

3. Involve the TE more

4. Pass less, run more to control the clock

5. Never, unless its to get into field goal range, do a pass, pass, run on 1st and 10.

6. Operate less out of the shotgun. Shotguns are for QB's that consitently throw downfield...not WR screens or slants with the occassional overthrow down the field.

7. Use Freddy on the goal line

8. Have Corey Mac on 90% of plays for run/pass support.


I agree with a lot of your assesment. The two WR/one TE set is best for our offense till we get another downfield threat...cough cough...Dwayne Bowe.

Edited by BillsFanFromCincy2012
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First of all, I think they miss David Nelson a lot on 3rd downs and in the red zone. Another option at TE that is a little more athletic, especially after the catch would help.


With this personnel, a 3WR set with CJ and a TE would make a lot of sense. Stevie in the slot is a tough matchup for anyone. Early in games, have to loosen up defenses with some passing, especially downfield. Later in the game, can go to double TE or FB sets to run more with CJ and Fred.


Ideally, the Bills can get ahead early in games and play from ahead where they are much better. The defense seems to have it going finally so this could happen here going forward. There is no reason CJ shouldn't have 1500-2000 yards from scrimmage in each of the next few seasons.

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Agree OP.


How bout this for the short answer.... Watch all of the games from the Dick Vermiel led Chiefs or the Vermiel led Rams and just copy exactly what they did with Marshall Faulk and Preiest Holmes. Or watch every game that Schottenhiemer coached with the Chargers (shouldn't be hard Buddy, you've probably still got your own game films from then, give me to Chan) when Ladainian Tomlinson was there.


CJ is that kind if talent. Faulk, Hilmes, Tomlinson. He's the kind of talent that could be a once in every 10 or so years backs. One that offenses are changed around. Honestly, I feel like he's being wasted on this team. Unless we get a HC that's going to utilize him, I hope he leaves the minute he becomes a FA and becomes a bust in Canton with another team. He sure as hell ain't gonna get that with Chan as his HC.


The funny answer to what I'd do. Attempt to be the first team ever to run in 100% of our plays. Not a single pass. I'd have 25 carries with CJ, Freddy, Choice, and possibly CMac. Tun it every damn down. I honestly think it would work with who we've got. By the 3rd quarter, my guess is the defensive line and LBs would be falling over at the snap.

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Here's how I see it:


Chan is a terrific play designer, but has problems calling plays. I don't think his overall game plans are all that bad either, it's just a matter of him trying to be too cute at times. And although those times aren't even all that often, they are seemingly at the most inopportune times.


I mean, I freely admit he's had me scratching my head a more than few times and even screaming for his head. So don't take this as an endorsement of Chan- I think those miscues happen often enough to give him the axe.


The bigger problem is that Fitz can't make enough throws consistently. Receivers are open more often than not. For all those that claim Chan is inflexible and doesn't dictate to the opposition what he's going to do, I disagree (For the most part). Again, the problem is Fitz. Chan gets the matchups that he wants, then Fitz can't deliver.


Sure, I think CJ should get the ball more, but his YPC isn't totally despite Chan, it has a lot to do with how CJ is used. Granted, I'd take a yard off that average if it meant giving the ball more, but it is a hell of a lot easier to defend a 2-TE run oriented offense than a spread. Especially considering the Bills personell.


All that said, if I were the OC, I'd look at the play selection and make some minor adjustments. The first of which is what our boy Yeevie was asking for: let Fitz have more freedom at the line. For all his faults, he seems to be great at making presnap adjustments. Let him call the plays that he is comfortable with. I think that makes him a little looser, and maybe doesn't force the wobbly bullets down the sideline and puts a little air under some of those throws. And I have to believe that FItz won't be so quick to abandon the run.


In any case it's most likely too little, too late, so what the hell- let's go with mrags suggestion and just run it every down. But wouldn't they want Brad Smith taking the snaps if there is no chance of passing? :devil:

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