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You Go Governor Fallin!!


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And you're basing this comment on what exactly?


People who went down to the Gulf coast to help out during Hurricane Katrina and other storms since that hit those "red" states... Yeah, I know it is second hand information... But still. Betcha SuperStorm Sandy will be a little bit different... Not that people are much above slugs everywhere... I will wait for the stories to pour back from the Eastern Seaboard and compare notes.


Yeah, yeah yeah... I know... Sweeping generalizations on my part...


God, Id !@#$ing kill or die to find a quote from you where you bash Romney for the 47% comment. Im sure its out there, but Im too lazy to find it.


Go ahead and find it... I may have ripped him... But underneath it all... He hit it... It is just that, you wouldn't expect a guy of Romney's postition to be spewing that puke. Now myself... Sure...

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