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Patriots Fines from Bills Game Announced

Gray Beard

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Wow - three separate incidents totaling over 40 grand In one game - that has to be a level of scumbaggery beyond the norm. What a template for class and 'doing things the right way' that organization continues to maintain....

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Wow - three separate incidents totaling over 40 grand In one game - that has to be a level of scumbaggery beyond the norm. What a template for class and 'doing things the right way' that organization continues to maintain....

that ship has sailed my friend
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Pats fan here. I think late hits out of bounds are FAR more egregious than Spikes' hit that took the helmet off. I don't disagree with the flag, as I think that flag gets thrown regardless of who the blitzer is, or who the QB is. However it wasn't particularly late, and the hit started below the helmet. The helmet came off because of the way Spikes slid up Fitz's body. I understand why they fined him (gotta protect your stars in a QB driven league) though.


But seriously, late hits out of bounds are far worse, if only because they are completely inexcusable.

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Pats fan here. I think late hits out of bounds are FAR more egregious than Spikes' hit that took the helmet off. I don't disagree with the flag, as I think that flag gets thrown regardless of who the blitzer is, or who the QB is. However it wasn't particularly late, and the hit started below the helmet. The helmet came off because of the way Spikes slid up Fitz's body. I understand why they fined him (gotta protect your stars in a QB driven league) though.


But seriously, late hits out of bounds are far worse, if only because they are completely inexcusable.


I agree. Spikes' hit on Fitz gets a flag every time, but i'm not sure it was fine worthy. At initial contact it was facemask to facemask. I think Fitz was more grumpy about the illegal Chandler hit in game 1, which prompted his reaction to the hit in game 2. Just my $0.02.

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