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Spygate:What you DIDN'T know


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i understand - i just dont agree that it was completely unique. there have been stories about communication going out for away teams before, for example. maybe no one else did an extra line to the qbs helmet though. id bet many teams bend the IR rules though.


they may have taken some stuff further but i dont think BB is the only coach to go to these places in a general sense. practices like this are normally passed around and come from further up the coaching tree and continue out when guys branch off - someone like a pioli in KC who has secret devices in his own teams offices would not be a surprise to find out he has practices like these in place. likewise i wouldnt be shocked to find out parcells dabbled in some of this - you know with Bill Belichek and Sean Payton both in hot water for bending the rules.


Billy B might go the extra mile with some of it, but i do not, by any means, think the other coaches and GMs around the league are totally innocent either


thats not excusing or dismissing the behavior though. i just think generally people know not to blow the whistle or your liable to get black balled, and the nfl would prefer to keep it out of the headlines, and issue behind the scenes warnings instead of highly public sanctions - barring a formal complaint like we saw come into play with mangini (caught live in action on TV) and cerullo (documented and potential to leak the documentation).

Edited by NoSaint
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i used to say that.


life is about experiences though, and what they mean to you 5, 10, 15, 25 years later.


when the bills win the super bowl, its going to be one of the most amazing experiences of my life. its something that ill always be able to look back on and say "wow.. it actually happened... we won the super bowl!"


i dont want that tarnished.


its like... youre standing on the tee box on a par 3, 150 yards out.


your first shot goes in the water.

your second shot shanks into the woods.

your third shot you hole it.


did you get a hole in 1? well, i suppose you got your ball into the hole in one shot, and lots of golfers cheat, so hey, you can tell everyone you got a hole in one, right? .................. right?


it just feels wrong.

best post I have ever read. Seriously. I love the analogy and could not agree more with the entire post. When the BIlls/Sabres win a championship, I want to be able to look back on it with pride not have to make excuses and feel ashamed (as the Pats* fans should).

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