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I'm astounded that BHO continues to run slightly ahead of Romney or neck & neck in most polling. I have to assume that the 20% or so of actual swing voters just aren't paying attention yet.


Of course, most of them are likely watching the Today show in the AM, and then getting a rundown of events from Jake Tapper in the evening, and then watching Letterman . . . so they're inclined to believe that everything is wonderful, Bam is doing a heckuva job, and that bastard Romney is an evil rich guy. :wallbash:

Well, the Republican's BS about Obama hurting the economy just got trumped by Obama's BS about outsourcing. God grant the right! And Romney just looks and acts like a big phony, anyway

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According to the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks Federal Election Commission data, Obama has collected $118,121 from donors who list Bain as their employer between June 2004 and May 2012. The period covers Obama's bid for the Senate and his presidential campaigns.


One of Obama's top campaign financiers - Jonathan Lavine - is also managing director at Bain, bundling between $100,000 and $200,000 in contributions for the 2012 Obama Victory Fund, according to estimates released by the Obama campaign. The president has also relied on other leading figures in the private equity sector as hosts for high-dollar fundraisers and as members of his Jobs Council.


No hypocrisy here.... <_<


Obama derides Romney for outsourcing when he had stepped away and was CEO in name only, but... he will accept campaign cash from the people at Bain who did the outsourcing post-Romney.


Still, I remember a time when damn near every politician said globalization was the cat's breasts. Money in a globalized world is like a beautiful woman --- you need to treat it right or it goes elsewhere. How does the left not get this?

Edited by UConn James
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