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Romney support among independents taking a hit

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I am a political junkie and policy wonk, so I like keeping up with these sort of things. But yeah, it is a bit early, however I do believe it does reflect the success and/or failures of each election campaign and does guage how each campaign is performing so that they can either continue to keep going along with their present strategy or if that they need to change course.


At this point in May 1980, Jimmy Carter was up by 8. He was tied with Reagan in the last week of October.


Polling is one thing. People will say things and, believe it or not a good number will support a sitting president/continuity no matter the party and hope s/he can be better and turn the ship of state to the right direction... right up until the moment those people step into the booth or fill in those bubbles.


This will not quite be 1980, even tho it looks so similar right down to Romney's Republican Hair and Obama's version of stagflation with QEIII/8-9% unemployment (higher, when considering those who've given up looking for work)/deficits and debt. People lean further to a favored side of the spectrum than they did 30 years ago. This will be close and Independents will make it or break it.


Polls schmolls. Romney will keep hitting at the economy, deficit/debt and employment. Obama will try to talk about anything and everything besides those, hoping voters look at his left hand while he shuffles Three Card Monty with his right.

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