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I like what I see!

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Stanley cup victory would be nice......and atleast a playoff spot after all the money they spent this offseason


There's not much they can do about injuries. Those had a huge impact. If there's any doubt, look at the sabres records with and without Erhoff, Myers, etc. All wasn't going to be fixed in 1 offseason. But the team is on the right track.

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Nothing earth shattering here. No great intellectual insights here. I'm just an old upper low class/lower middle class fan who, like many here, agonize over the ups and downs of this franchise for years (decades for me) now. I'll tell you what I find unexpectedly running thru my mind lately, and please if anyone else would like to add to it then be my guest.


First off, I like George Wilson.........a lot! I like the way he plays, I like his attitude and most of all I like the way his story, the way he went undrafted as a WR and now he's our starting SS and a darn good one at that!


I like our players, I think all of them. I can't think of one player on our team that I don't like. I like that we drafted Marcel Dareus. The guy is a beast and I hope that he plays his whole career for us. I think that he's just a good, hard working individual who, like many other players on our team, is and will be fiercely loyal to us and our community. I haven't seen any hints or traces of character issues with him on or off the field so far. Not to be judgemental or to negatively convict either of Detroit's DTs Suh and Fairly but as a fan I'd have to say that I would be pretty disappointed if Dareus was caught stomping on a guy' s face after a play was over or was failing a drug test.


I really dig the team chemistry. I think that these players for the most part really like being teammates and in my opinion that's huge. I think that Mr. Wilson really hit a homerun when he hired Buddy Nix & Co. And before I forget I think that Russ Brandon doesn't get enough credit or appreciation. I'm proud that he's a part of our organization and more importantly, I think that he is too. I heard him in an interview a few weeks ago. When he was asked about how and what he does and tells prospective free agents about playing for Buffalo and the community it will almost downright choke you up. I like that, I like that a lot!


I'm not on the payroll and I'm not being delusional looking thru rose colored glasses. I'm just an ordinary blue collar guy who has had a long love affair with his football team that has been mightily struggling for YEARS and these are just a few things that I've been noticing and/or realizing as of lately. Actually I could go on with more but I'm sure that some of you are going to find this post drippy enough but I sincerely mean what I said and I'm sure that I got my point across. Matter of fact I can sum it up with this. "It feels good to be a Bills' fan again!".



Go Bills!



With all the "Negative Nancys" running around on this board, it's refreshing to hear something positive from a long-time fan. I agree that being a BILLS fan is become less difficult and more enjoyable and I think most of us see the improvement this team is making and the strides they're taking in becoming a better, more competitive team and while the BILLS still have a ways to go before they can be taken seriously in the playoff discussion, we are certainly making some adjustments and improvements. We'll see how it all plays out but it's encouraging for the time being....again, very glad to see someone taking the impetus to begin a positive post. Well done Sir, wish you and your family a Happy Easter weekend.

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George Wilson's interception of Brady on that throw to Gronkowski may have been the best defensive play of last season. It was a thing of beauty. I love that guy and don't miss Donte Whitner one bit.

George Wilson absolutely owned Michael Vick in the Eagles game.

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