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Stolen from the Pages of GBID-Hot for Teacher/Ben-Gals Cheerleader


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Alright if you don't think the word "victim" is the right word to use, so be it. My point is that situations like this must be taken seriously and not just laughed at.


Teachers having sex with their students is unacceptable, no matter who it is or what the situation is.


I've heard all the wiseguy jokes: "You had Cameron Diaz as a teacher while I had Sister Mary Lockjaw.", hilarious.


Having said that this woman, if found guilty, should be punished for this.


Now as for your personal fantasies you had on your teachers, you offered up a completely hypothetical synopsis of how you would have handled a situation like this. You cannot possibly know how things would have turned out for you. Maybe you were one of those rare kids in high school who actually had their head on straight and knew what you wanted and you were emotionally stable to handle anything. However, most kids are not like that. From an emotionally psychological viewpoint how could any kid react after having sex with one of their teachers? An encounter like that can change a kids perspective on their life and change their emotional outlook. That is the danger of this.



No, there is no difference. Women can have that same type of power over a boy, it may be a different tactic but the idea is the same.


As for your second point, you could be right about a female teacher's motives, but that is still wrong.

I'll say it again: Teachers should not be having sex with their students.


Your final question is a stupid, but I will say that personally, no I would not have. Because the way I was raised, I knew it would be wrong. The sad thing is that some kids probably would. Kids do stupid things all the time.

I'll not delve into the common "locker room" discourse, but you can't honestly say men and women process sex the same way. I'm not saying that makes it okay, but a female teacher with a male student is not the equivalent of a male teacher with a female student. And quite frankly, it's not even close.




I get that most guys think about stories like this with their penis. 'If that we're me back in high school... / Lucky kid...." It's what our culture has devolved to. Kids are being sexualized by the media, by record companies, by their own parents. Like the 8-year-old who got killed with the Uzi he was firing a few years back, who was in my nephew's class, kids are just being driven to too much too soon.


But don't for a minute think that this story and countless others have no impact on a kid and later life. Across the board, victims of sexual abuse, even the statutory kind, have effects. They are more prone to depression... and what seals the argument for me is that, as learned from a development class from the U, they are IIRC 200% more likely to themselves rape and abuse minors. Victims frequently become offenders, in the cycle of sexual abuse. For many of these kids, the story doesn't stop with teacher convicted and boy got lucky and gets high-fives. Sorry to burst the balloon. They can/will be growing up with warped beliefs that sexual contact with minors is normal. And their victim could be your children --- it could be YOUR 12-year-old daughter that he goes on to molest.


Guys need to get out of the mentality that this kid is "lucky" when in reality this kid and others have just been introduced into the cycle of sexual abuse.


There is no OK level of abuse, it's not OK if the offender is a woman any more than it boils your blood when it's a guy going after a little girl. It doesn't matter if she's plain. It doesn't matter if she's beautiful. It doesn't matter if she's a cheerleader. It does matter that what she's done will have a lifelong effect in ways that you guys who think only with your penis are totally unaware of. NO abuse is OK. No abuse should just be swept under the rug.

I'm pretty sure your statistical analysis includes boys who are legitimately abused. If you isolated 17 year old boys that have sex with hot 20-somethings I'd bet anything those numbers don't play out. And from what I know of you, you should be wise to that kind of statistical manipulation.

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Jury: Website defamed Sarah Jones




Sarah Jones wiped away tears after jurors in federal court in Covington awarded her $338,000 in damages. The jury found that posts about her on the Scottsdale, Ariz.-based website thedirty.com in 2009 were substantially false. The jury of eight women and two men also found website operator Nik Richie acted with malice or reckless disregard in posting the submissions he said were anonymous.


This is not like me posting Hollywood Donahoe was spotted doing a Greek chain gang with Village People or he has been begging Tom Brady to let him wash his balls with his tongue. The publisher in this case choose what type of anonymous things to post on his website to drive up views.

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